Chapter 10 - The Awakening

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Since her mother's attack on Kara, which had left her in a coma, Lena would wake up every day, get dressed, and drop by in the morning to see Kara at the DEO before heading to L-Corp, a visit she made again at the end of the day. On days when she didn't work, she spent practically the entire day with Kara.

"Go home and rest, Lena. You know I won't leave you without news if anything changes." Alex told Lena more than once.

"It's okay, Alex... I like being close to her. I really need to be with her, to be able to touch her and know that she's still here, even like this, sleeping."

Alex also stopped by to see Kara several times a day. Like Lena, whenever she could, she would stop for a few minutes and sit next to Kara, talking to her, hoping that she would hear and maybe it would spur her to wake up.

One Sunday, Lena awoke with the faint rays of sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. Room she'd felt so much bigger and emptier since the incident with Kara. She stood there for long minutes, watching the patterns that the sunlight cast on her wall through the curtain. She had a very nice and serene dream with Kara, she woke up smiling. As soon as she opened her eyes, she thought she would be sad to realize that it was just a dream, but she didn't feel that way. Something in her chest kept her with some spark of joy and hope, she wasn't sure why.

She took a shower and dressed to go to the DEO. Before entering the building, she bought Kara flowers. Alex was already in the room, reading a book and sometimes making a comment, as if her sister might respond. Lena found it touching that Alex had never been away from her sister in all that time. On movie nights, she watched it right there with Kara.

"Good morning! Flowers? What news is this?"

"Good morning, Alex... yes, I felt like bringing Kara flowers today. Make the room more colorful."

"Any special reason?"

Lena smiled slightly as she placed the flowers in a pitcher of water near Kara's bedside.

"If you promise not to laugh at me, I'll tell you."

"Unless you tell a joke, I have no reason to laugh at that gesture."

"Well... you know I'm not a very hopeful person. All these days I wake up thinking that Kara might wake up, but I always prefer not to delude myself too much so I don't get hurt even more. I've dreamed about her several times, but today was so different... I can't even remember what I dreamed, but I woke up with a different hope in my chest today, a joy that only Kara is able to bring to me. It was the first time I woke up like this within the last 11 months Kara has been like this. Almost 1 year... and as we are women of science, it is in this part that I ask you not to laugh at me... I woke up with an almost certainty inside my chest that Kara would wake up soon, maybe today ... It was almost as if someone had spoken this in my ear. And I wanted to bring her flowers for when she wakes up."

Alex looked at Lena and smiled, touched by that. Her bond with Kara was a very beautiful thing.

"Why would I laugh at something like that? Just because we're women of science doesn't mean I can't believe there's more than what we can see and touch."

Lena smiled back at Alex and sat on Kara's bed. She gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered a "good morning, my love" to her.

"Do you want a coffee? There's a cart over there across the street that has a really good coffee, with almond milk." Lena asked.

"I had a cup of coffee before coming here, not long ago. Still, I appreciate your kindness."

"Okay, so I'll go get one for myself and be right back."

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