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Shit. Did I take it too far? Shooting me a sharp glare, I bite my tongue, not daring to make another comment. I think I went too far. Pushing me down onto the bed, he practically sprints out of the cabin before I can utter a word. Freezing as my back hits the mattress, I stare up at the bunk above me, my mind reeling in what just happened. No, seriously, what the fuck just happened?

He...just pushed me..? Jumping up from the bed, I limp as fast as I can to the door, my hand reaching out for the handle. Hissing as I put too much pressure on my knee, I jiggle the handle, the door not budging one bit. Did he seriously just lock me in? Pounding on the door, my blood boils as everything hits me in the face. He just locked me in!

"LUKE! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I bellow, my anger rising.

"You're not going, Nat. This is for your own good! You'll soon enough thank me for this!" He shouts back, his voice slightly muffled through the door.

"Luke Castellan! YOU OPEN THIS DOOR!" I shout, continuing to pound on the door.

"Sorry, I love you. Don't hate me." He shouts, his voice growing more faint.

"LUKE!" I screech, jiggling the handle again.

Still nothing. He locked me in the cabin. He wasn't really going to leave me here, was he? He was a jerk, yeah. But he wasn't going to do this, was he? No, he would. He would totally do that. Scrambling to the window, I could see him running away from the cabin, probably to join the others in Capture the Flag. Son of a⎯Walter! He was still here, right? He would feel guilty⎯so he'd probably come back for me, right?

Pressing my hands against the glass, I scan the porch for Walter, he had to be here somewhere. Spotting familiar brown curls, I could see that he was sitting right in front of the door, probably to keep guard. Bingo! Looks like Nike was on my side today! He was still here! Pounding on the glass, he flinches at the sound, his head whirling over to me.

"Walter! Walter, come on! Open the fucking door! This isn't funny anymore!" I shout, pounding on the glass.

"Nope. You heard Luke, this is for your own good." He shakes his head, refusing to look at me. "Once you're calm, I am expecting a big thank you for saving you from yourself."

"Walter! Open the door! What kind of a fucking friend are you? What the fuck?" I beg, praying that he will listen.

"Not gonna happen, Nattie." He argues, "Unless you're dying or in danger, I don't wanna hear it."

"Walter! Come on! Forget what Luke said! Open the fucking door! This isn't funny anymore!" I order, gritting my teeth together.

Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes, trying to think of some other way to convince him to open the door. If violence is going to work. Then, we resort to the water works. Resting my head against the glass, I stop pounding on the window, my hand pressed against the glass. Opening one of my eyes just a inch, he is finally turning to look at me, a conflicted look on his face. Okay, I got him to crack a little. Just need to do it a little more.

"Walter, please open the door." I whisper, "This is the only thing I'm good at. Please, don't take that away from me."

"Nattie.." He whines, a guiltiness in his voice.

"You don't get it. My Mom has made it clear she doesn't want me. I've been unclaimed for forever now. And⎯And camp, you, my dad. You're all I have. And⎯And I finally find something I'm good at..." I stutter, letting the tears build.

There was some truth to my words. I hated it, but there was some truth to it. Maybe that's why I was getting so emotional over it, because a part of me knew that what I was saying was a little too close to home. Shutting my eyes tightly, I try to not let the words really affect me.

Stick to the plan Nat. Stick to the plan, I remind myself. Letting out a stuttered breath, my legs nearly give out on me for a second, my grip on the glass being the only thing holding me up. Fuck, please tell me that this works.

"Fighting is the only thing I'm good at. It's the only thing that makes everyone look at me." I explain, "Please don't take that from me."


"I'm not asking for much. I am asking you to let me do⎯the one thing that I am good at." I beg, "Please just let me do this, Walter. Please."

"Luke would kill me if I let you go, Nattie. You're still injured. I mean, ambrosia couldn't even help heal your knee! If Luke finds out..." He rambles, his voice trailing off at the end.

"I'll stay out of the way of the big fight, just please let me go." I lie, "Please, Walter."

He goes quiet, making me peek open an eye. A nervous look on his face.

"How far would you go?" He asks, licking his bottom lip.

"Only a little, mainly stick to the back. Out of the real fight. Mainly where the Hephaestus kids like to show off their new inventions." I lie again.

Opening my eyes just a crack, he slowly stands up to his feet. I watch him carefully, watching as he runs a hand through his hair. Shaking his head, he paces back and forth in place, seemingly at battle in his head. Was he gonna do it? Did I get him to crack?

Turning to the door, he walks up to it, his hand trembling as he reaches out for the doorknob. Bolting to the door as quietly as I can, the door handle jingles slightly, the faint muttering of curses coming from the other side. I got him.

"Please, Walter." I beg, my voice trembling.

Gripping onto the door handle, he turns it, the clicking of the lock making a smirk form on my face. I got him right where I wanted him. Pushing the door open with as much force as I can muster, it swings open, revealing the empty courtyard. Sprinting out of the cabin as fast as I can with my knee, I look over my shoulder, seeing him scrambling up to his feet. All the color from his face draining. Sucks to suck, Walter.

"NATTIE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LUKE'S GONNA KILL THE BOTH OF US IF YOU GO!" He screeches, a terrified look on his face.

"I'm going to the game, end of discussion. If you wanna stop me? Come catch me, asshole." I sneer, sprinting towards the forest.


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically! I love you all!

I hope that you are enjoying the book so far! A quick reminder to comment below about the story of what you think so far.

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