The Great Game Part Two

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Zyair arrives at Kenny Prince's house with his dad, pretending to be an intern; Raoul the houseboy letting them inside and leading them into the living room where John is stood with Kenny "Ah, Mr Prince, isn't it?" Sherlock asks. "Yes." Kenny nods. "Very good to meet you." Sherlock smiles. "Yes; thank you." Kenny responds as they shake hands. "So sorry to hear about..." Sherlock starts. "Yes, yes, very kind." Kenny interrupts. "Shall we, er..." John trails off. Sherlock walks over to the sofa and puts down the case before rummaging in the bag. Kenny turns back to the mirror and fiddles with his hair again "You were right. The bacteria got into her another way." John tells the father son duo quietly. "Oh yes?" Sherlock asks with a smirk. "Yes." John responds. "Right. We all set?" Kenny asks. "Um, yes." John nods, looking at Sherlock who takes a camera and flashgun out the bag "Can you...?" he trails off. Kenny leans one arm on the mantelpiece and poses; Sherlock walks closer and starts to take photographs of him, the flash blinding him "Not too close. I'm raw from crying." Kenny complains. The cat meows at Sherlock's feet "Oh, who's this?" he asks. "Sekhmet. Named after the Egyptian goddess." Kenny responds. "How nice, was she Connie's?" Sherlock asks. "Yes. Little present from yours truly." Kenny tells them, picking the cat up. "Zyair? Uh, light reading?" John asks. Zyair nods and uses the flash gun, blinding Kenny "Two point eight." he says. "Bloody hell. What do you think you're playing at?!" Kenny asks. John immediately reaches out and rubs his fingers over one of the cat's front paws as Zyair keeps firing the flashgun to keep Kenny's eyes closed "Sorry." Zyair tells him. "You're like Laurel and bloody Hardy, you two. What's going on?" Kenny asks. "Actually, I think we've got what we came for. Excuse us." John tells him. "What?" Kenny questions. "Sherlock. Zyair." John says making the duo turn. "What?" the duo ask. John grabs the case from the sofa and heads for the door "We've got deadlines." he tells them. The father son duo follow after him. "But you've not taken anything!" Kenny exclaims as they leave.

The three of them start walking down towards the main road "Yes! Ooh, yes!" John exclaims. Sherlock "You think it was the cat. It wasn't the cat." he tells him. "What? No, yes. Yeah, it is. It must be. It's how they got the tetanus into her system. Its paws stink of disinfectant." John responds. "Lovely idea." Zyair tells him. "No, he coated it onto the paws of her cat. It's a new pet, bound to be a bit jumpy around her. A scratch is almost inevitable. She wouldn't have..." John starts. "I thought of it the minute I saw the scratches on her arm, but it's too random and too clever for the brother." Sherlock interrupts. John chuckles "He murdered his sister for her money." he says. "Did he?" Sherlock asks. "Didn't he?" John asks. "No. It was revenge." Zyair explains. "Revenge? Who wanted revenge?" John questions. "Raoul, the houseboy." Zyair responds. "Kenny Prince was the butt of his sister's jokes, week in, week out, a virtual bullying campaign. Finally he had enough; fell out with her badly. It's all on the website. She threatened to disinherit Kenny. Raoul had grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle, so..." Sherlock continues to explain. "No, wait, wait. Wait a second." John says stopping. Zyair and Sherlock stop .What about the disinfectant, then, on the cat's claws?" John asks. "Raoul keeps a very clean house. You came through the kitchen door, saw the state of that floor, scrubbed to within an inch of its life. You smell of disinfectant now. No, the cat doesn't come into it." Sherlock says before looking to the main road "Raoul's internet records do, though. Hope we can get a cab from here." he says.

Zyair follows Sherlock and John into Scotland Yard's main office where Sherlock brandishes a folder at Lestrade "Raoul de Santos is your killer. Kenny Prince's houseboy. Second autopsy shows it wasn't tetanus that poisoned Connie Prince, it was botulinum toxin." Sherlock tells him, putting the folder on the desk. "We've been here before. Carl Powers? Tut-tut. Our bomber's repeated himself." Sherlock says as Lestrade picks up the folder. Lestrade walks towards his office, Sherlock and Zyair following, John staring at them in surprise "So how'd he do it?" Lestrade asks. "Botox injection." Zyair responds. "Botox?" Lestrade asks. "Botox is a diluted form of botulinum." Zyair starts. "Among other things, Raoul de Santos was employed to give Connie her regular facial injections. My contact at the Home Office gave me the complete records of Raoul's internet purchases. He's been bulk ordering Botox for months. Bided his time, then upped the strength to a fatal dose." Sherlock finishes. "You sure about this?" Lestrade asks. "I'm sure." Sherlock nods. "All right, my office." Lestrade tells them, going to his office. Sherlock and Zyair go to follow by John stops them "Hey, Zyair, Sherlock. How long?" he asks. "What?" Sherlock asks. "How long have you known?" John clarifies. "Well, this one was quite simple, actually, and like I said, the bomber repeated himself. That was a mistake." Sherlock tells him. "No, but Sherl... The hostage... the old woman. She's been there all this time." John responds. "I knew we could save her. I also knew that the bomber had given us twelve hours. We solved the case quickly; that gave us time to get on with other things. Don't you see? We're one up on him!" Sherlock says before heading into Lestrade's office with Zyair.

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