Movement of Times

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A/N: Homophobia

Zyair smiles as he puts a box down in his new room "What do you think Zyair?" Mary asks

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Zyair smiles as he puts a box down in his new room "What do you think Zyair?" Mary asks. "It's great." he responds. "I'm glad you like it. Why don't you start unpacking while John and I start in the kitchen?" Mary suggests. "You sure you don't need a hand downstairs?" Zyair asks, looking unsure. "Hey, if you don't want to be on your own you can come downstairs with me." Mary tells him gently. "I think I'll be okay." Zyair tells her. "Okay, how about this? I'll come back up with a hot chocolate in half hour to check on you." Mary tells him. "Sounds good." Zyair smiles. "Good, I think the bed sheets are in the big box by the bathroom." Mary smiles, walking out and heading downstairs. Zyair opens one of his boxes and starts putting his stuff away in his draws and closet, his phone pings making him pick it up to see a message from Mattheo 'S.O.S, this family meal is a nightmare. My Uncle found out about us and now is talking my dad into kicking me out. Reminding him how sinful we are x' Zyair immediately frowns 'He isn't though, right? X' he asks. 'I don't know. Maybe? He's already annoyed with me for not having a 'proper job'. Whatever that means. This might push him into actually kicking me out x' Mattheo responds.

"Hey, what's wrong?" John asks, noticing Zyair's frown as he passes his bedroom. "Mattheo might be being kicked out by his dad." Zyair responds. "What? Why?" John asks. "For being gay." he tells him. "If he needs a place to go he can come here." John says. Zyair nods, sending Mattheo a message 'John said you can come here if need be x' he tells him. Mary walks in and smiles "You having a party without me?" she jokes. Zyair sends a small smile, frowning as he waits for a message from Mattheo "What's wrong?" Mary asks. "Mattheo's father might be kicking him out for being gay." John responds. "Screw that, he can come live here. He at his dad's? We'll go get him and his stuff." Mary tells Zyair. "I know they went out for a family dinner, I'm not sure if they're back yet. I'm waiting for a response from Mattheo." Zyair responds. "Give it fifteen minutes, if you haven't heard anything try calling him. If he doesn't respond I'll drive us to his dad's place." Mary tells him. "Okay." Zyair nods, a worried look on his face. "Hey, he'll be alright. He can come live here if need be, he's already one of us." Mary reassures the teen as she hugs him, neither of them seeing the smile on John's face as he watches them.

After not hearing anything, Zyair tries to ring Mattheo but doesn't get a response "He's not picking up." he says worriedly. "Come on, we're heading over." Mary decides, grabbing the car keys as they head downstairs. Zyair climbs in the back as John climbs into the passenger side "Hey, everything will be okay." John tells Zyair. "Mhm." Zyair responds, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously as he bites his thumb. Mary and John look at each other worriedly, Mary driving them in the direction of Mattheo's father's house. They soon pull up outside the house, Zyair jumping out and heading to the door with Mary. John follows them as Mary rings the doorbell, Jorge opening it looking angry "Yes?" he asks. "Is Mattheo home?" Mary asks politely. "What do you want with him?" Jorge retorts. Zyair bites his tongue, quickly deducting the man "He's not here, he was about ten minutes ago though. You kicked him out without any of his stuff, which way did he go?" he asks. "Why should I care? Shouldn't be standing much longer anyway." Jorge responds. "What do you mean?" John asks with a frown. Jorge doesn't respond, slamming the door shut in their faces. Zyair immediately heads to the gate of the house, making his deductions as he goes "He went this way." he says, running down the road. "Zyair! Wait up!" John shouts, running after him with Mary.

Zyair stops running when he comes to a cross junction, crouching down snd putting his hand on a wet patch "Zyair?" John asks as he and Mary catch up. Zyair moves his hand back "Bl-Blood." he stammers. "Hey, we don't know it's his." John tells him. "It is, the way the blood has fallen shows that the person was coming from the direction we just came." Zyair responds shakily. "We're going to find him Zyair. He can't have got far." Mary assures him. Zyair nods and spots more blood further down the road "This way." he tells them, following the trail of blood. Turning the corner into an alleyway, Zyair spots Mattheo sat against the wall of the building "Mattheo!" he shouts, running over. Mattheo groans slightly as Zyair gently cups his face "Baby?" Zyair asks. Mattheo's eyes flutter open "Zyair?" he mumbles. "Hey, I got you. John! Mary!" Zyair calls, making them run down the alleyway. John immediately goes into his professional mode "Mary, call an ambulance. Zyair, you need to call Greg. Tell him what's happened." he tells them. Zyair nods shakily, pulling his phone out and calling Lestrade "Zyair? What's wrong? You never call, you always text." Lestrade asks. "You need to arrest Mattheo's father and uncle." Zyair responds flatly. "Zyair, what's happened?" Lestrade asks him, immediately becoming more concerned. "Th-They've stabbed Mattheo." Zyair tells him. "I'm on my way now, are you with John and Mary?" Lestrade asks. "Y-Yeah. John's helping Mattheo. Mary's call-called an ambulance." he responds. "Okay, stay with them, I'll call Mary once we've arrested them. You just focus on Mattheo, okay?" Lestrade asks him. "Okay." Zyair responds, hanging up and going over to help John.

"Zyair I need you to put pressure here for me." John tells him. Nodding, Zyair holds pressure where John has put his jumper "Mattheo, you hurt anywhere else?" John asks. Mattheo shakes his head weakly "No." he mumbles. Mary crouches next to Zyair as she hangs up "Here, I'll take over here. You talk to Mattheo and keep him awake." she tells him. Zyair nods and lets Mary take over, going next to Mattheo's head "Hey baby." he smiles weakly. "Hi Mi Amor." Mattheo responds, his eyes lidded. Zyair gently moves Mattheo's hair back out his face "You're gonna be fine. I know you will." he tells him, holding his hand. "Plan for everything." Mattheo jokes. "Obviously." Zyair smiles, kissing Mattheo's hand. Mary looks at John worriedly, John nodding in confirmation "What? What's wrong?" Zyair asks. "It's not good, is it?" Mattheo mumbles. "Mattheo, can you feel this?" John asks, pinching Mattheo's legs. "N-No." Mattheo responds. "Okay... for now we just wait for the ambulance." John says, Zyair gently brushing Mattheo's hair back. Soon the ambulance pulls up and Mattheo is taken away "Come on, we'll meet them at the hospital.. Mary tells Zyair. Nodding, Zyair lets Mary lead him back in the direction of the car.

Zyair sits in the relatives room at the hospital, bouncing his leg up and down at a rapid pace "You want me to get you anything?" Mary asks gently. "'M okay." Zyair responds quietly. John walks in making Zyair look up "He's out of surgery, we'll be able to see him within the hour." he tells the teen. Zyair nods "Wh-What about his legs?" he asks. "We won't know anything til he wake up." John responds. "Okay... I need some air." Zyair says, standing up. "I'll come with you." John tells him. "Need to be on my own." Zyair tells him, walking up. John looks at Mary in worry "I'll go after him in a couple minutes, just give him some space for now." Mary tells him gently. "I'm worried this'll set him back. He's been doing really well, no relapses of any kind in three months." John tells her. "I know but we'll keep an eye on him, make sure he's alright. For now just let him get some air and I'll go find him in a few." Mary responds, John nodding in response.

After a while, Mary walks outside to find Zyair sat on a bench smoking "John know about those?" she asks. "" Zyair responds. "Well, I won't tell him if you don't." Mary smiles. Zyair smiles weakly before letting Mary pull him in to her "Hey, you heard what John said. He's going to be fine." she tells him. "But his legs." Zyair whimpers. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Mary responds. Zyair nods and lets Mary hold him for a while, John walking out "Mary, Zyair." he says, walking over to them. Zyair quickly puts out the cigarette and looks at John "Yeah." he asks. "We can go in to see him." John tells him. Zyair immediately gets up and follows John to Mattheo's room with Mary, walking in and sitting next to Mattheo's bed. Mary and John sit to the side, letting Zyair hold Matteo's hand "I love you Mattheo." he mumbles, John looking up slightly with a smile. Mary looks at John "Is that the first time?" she mouths, John nodding in response. "Love you too." Mattheo mumbles, waking up. Zyair looks up "Mattheo?" he asks gently. "Mi amor." Mattheo smile weakly. "I'll go find the Doctor." Mary says, getting up and walking out.

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