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Zyair lies curled up in his bed in the flat he and John have moved into, trying to hide from the outside world "Zyair?" John calls from outside the room

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Zyair lies curled up in his bed in the flat he and John have moved into, trying to hide from the outside world "Zyair?" John calls from outside the room. "Mmh?" Zyair responds. John pokes his head inside "I was wondering if you wanted to come to the shop with me? We could get you some new art supplies?" he suggests. "'m good. I'll stay here." Zyair responds, not coming out from under the covers. John nods even though Zyair can't see him "Okay, well, if you want anything just send me a text." he tells him. "Okay." Zyair mumbles in response. "Mattheo sent a message saying he's going to be back in time for dinner so he might be back before me." John adds, not getting a response so closing the door. Zyair removes his duvet and climbs out of bed, going over to his chest of draws and pulling out a bottle of his sleeping pills. He quickly takes a couple of them before putting them back and climbing back into his bed. His phone pings making him pick it up to see an email from Anderson, rolling his eyes he opens it to find another conspiracy about his dad still being alive. Tears falling, Zyair deletes the email before throwing his phone across the room "Zyair?" Mattheo asks, cracking open the door and seeing Zyair crying into his pillow. Mattheo gently lifts Zyair into his arms "I got you Mi Amor." he soothes, kissing his head.

Mattheo holds him as Zyair lets out a broken sob, curling into his boyfriend's chest and clinging to his T-shirt "What'd the phone do? Do I need to beat it up?" Mattheo jokes, gaining a watery chuckle. "Anderson sent me another stupid theory email." Zyair sniffs. "I'll talk to Lestrade about it, get him to talk to Anderson. I would do it myself but I might punch him if I do." Mattheo tells him. "I'd pay to see that." Zyair chuckles. Mattheo smiles and kisses Zyair "I'll go start dinner, you want anything in particular?" he asks. "Anything. I'm gonna have a shower before I come down." Zyair shrugs, kissing him back. "Okay." Mattheo nods, getting up. Zyair sighs and grabs his phone, seeing a large crack down the front as he puts it back on his bedside table "Boys? I'm back." John calls. "In the kitchen." Mattheo calls. "Just having a shower." Zyair calls down, going to his en suite with some fresh underwear.

Once showered Zyair walks back into his room and takes more of his pills, not paying attention to how many he's taking. Grabbing his phone he walks downstairs, finding Mattheo and John finishing off dinner "Smells good." he tells them, leaning against the doorframe. "My famous pasta." Mattheo smiles, giving him a kiss on the head as he walks past him to the fridge and back. Zyair gives a small smile as he watches Mattheo add more cheese to the sauce "Should be done in a few minutes." John tells Zyair who nods, deciding to go and sit down at the table while rubbing his temples. Frowning, John goes over and sits with him "Hey, you feeling alright?" he asks. "Hm? Y-Yeah, just tired." Zyair slurs, putting his head on his hand. "Mhm." John frowns, checking Zyair's temperature with his hand. Zyair whines slightly and tries to move away "Hey, look at me." John tells Zyair. The teen looks at John who looks a his eyes "Follow my finger." he tells him. Zyair sighs and follows John's finger with his eyes, John checking his pulse straight after.

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