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I groan as a bright ray of sunlight shines through my window, causing me to raise a hand to cover my eyes while I place my phone down on my nightstand to go over and close the curtains. Finally regaining my vision, I direct my focus over to my alarm clock and


I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and to my surprise, I wasn't. I had spent all night scrolling on my phone and I didn't even get a wink of sleep. Thankfully I wasn't someone who gets tired with little to no sleep, but there were no guarantees since it was my first day of university and I had a class at 8 am.

I started scrambling, running to the bathroom to do my business while also keeping track of time. As I ran out of my room and headed towards the door of my shared apartment, I could see my cousin, Kati, sitting there eating. As I opened the door, I could hear her yell at me. "Have a good first day! And be sure to come home so I can explain it to you!"

I didn't even reply back because I was up and running. Thankfully the campus wasn't too far from my apartment so I was able to get there with a couple of minutes to spare, using them to navigate and find my class.

As I stood in front of the door, I took a deep breath, preparing myself.

Once I walk through here, I am not me.

I opened the door into the large lecture hall and looked around, not only to find a seat but to observe who I would have this class with. I realized that there weren't many seats available

I decided the take a seat near the very back of the hall. I placed down my bag and looked at the people in front of me. A girl with brown hair tied in a ponytail was talking with a blond boy beside her, it seemed like she was asking him about food if my eavesdropping skills were any good.

I continued to listen in to their conversation unintentionally since the girl was speaking quite loudly, that was until the professor walked in and started the lesson.

𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗬 ━ EREN JAEGER.Where stories live. Discover now