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Hours had passed and the sun had gone down quite a bit ago. The workers of the resort were nice enough to set up a bonfire for us to sit around, seeing as we were swimming quite late. We spent that time talking, drinking and just having fun.

Eventually, we all decided to head inside since the other couldn't swim due to no on-site lifeguards there. As the group headed in, I was able to sneak away.

It's better to go visit it now before anything else happens..

I snuck off into the hill that was beside the beach. The hill had so much green life everywhere that you could only faintly see a path up. Thankfully, I had memorized the way up by heart.

"This was definitely easier when I was younger..." I was out of breath, finally making it to where the path ended. There was a cliff, and under it was a waterfall that flowed into a large body of water.

"Well, this is a familiar sound..." I spoke to myself as I sat down on the edge of the cliff, letting my feet dangle, listening to the water as I thought about the amount of times I used to jump off this cliff.

"You know.. I could go over and push you off that cliff right now." I already knew who that voice belonged to and decided to ignore what he said. I closed my eyes and continued to listen to the sounds around me. One of those sounds was the footsteps coming close to me. I could feel him sit down beside me.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Eren spoke up. "This is kinda boring." "Just shut up. It's better than listening to people's voices like yours." I retorted. "Like yours is any better."

There was another line of silence. "I'm tired, cya." I sighed as I stood up and headed towards a cabin that was slightly covered by leaves.

"Are you not gonna go back to the hotel and sleep?" He questioned. "Nah, I think I'm gonna sleep in here, for old time's sake." I pointed to the cabin and I entered it. "What's so special about this cabin anyways?" I stayed quiet, not really wanting to answer it but did it anyway. "This place.. holds a lot of 'fun' memories.."

𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗬 ━ EREN JAEGER.Where stories live. Discover now