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Jungwon's pov

The classes went as usual boring and by the lunch break everyone was tired.

Everyone headed towards the cafeteria and so did I.

I never saw yn as she left earlier with heeseung hyung when I was putting my books inside my bag.

I was sipping on my coffee when I heard yn laughing. I smiled to myself but when I turned around she was with heeseung hyung.

I would lie If I say that I was not a bit jelous. So I turned to my coffee and started to drink it.

As yn and heeseung hyung came to my table I got up and went back to the class.

I heard yn saying "what is wrong with him." I rolled my eyes and went back to the class.

I was getting angry and jelous so I thought that I would go and hunt for blood.

Because blood is the thing that can control me from getting angry.

Yn's pov

Heeseung and I went to the library early to pick some book for the new assignment given by the teacher.

As we were entering the cafe I saw jungwon sitting and sipping into his coffee.

I thought of going to him and talk to him about if he would join us in the assignment.

But as we came to the table and sat beside him he got up and exited the cafe.

I was shocked by his behaviour so I asked heeseung " what is wrong with him." "I don't know" he said.

I got up for going behind him but heeseung stopped me. He said that he is too moody. His mood takes no time to change.

So I stopped from going behind him but I was curious about his mood .

Heeseung's pov

As me and yn entered the cafe we saw jungwon sitting and sipping the coffee.

He turned around and had a smile on his face but as soon as he saw me his smile faded.

We went toward his table. But he got up and left before we could say anything.

I understood that is nothing other than jelousy.

I knew he was getting angry so I stopped her by going to him by saying that he is too moody. His mood takes no time to change.

I knew he would go for hunting because of his anger and jelousy.

And I don't want her to know that jungwon is a vampire. Who drink blood and survive on it

I am also a vampire but I can control my blood lust but jungwon can't control himself.

He could even hurt yn and I don't want it to happen as jungwon will regret it.

Jungwon's pov

I bunked the class and left in order to hunt. But I felt someone following me but I ignored it as I thought it was Niki.

He always come behind me and take my prey. I leave it as I know he is smaller than me.

So, I found a boy who was sitting by the pond side and enjoying the view.

I stood behind him and he seem to notice it and he turned around and saw my red blood eyes. He tried to scream but I never gave him chanse.

As I inserted my fangs into his flesh near his neck and sucked his blood. He tried to scream but couldn't as he felt that pain.

As I drank his blood he fainted . As he fell on the ground I heard a scream of a girl from behind the tree.

I went behind the tree and my eyes widened on seeing her.


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