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Yn's pov

"You are really beautiful yn..." He said and i looked up at him, he started to come near to the bed.

I felt a bit uncomfortable......

He started to come near me with a smirk in his face. I didn't feel good.

"W-what are y-you d-doing l-lucas?" I asked him as i started to back off on the bed.

He climbed on the bed and came near me. He bent down and took out handcuffs from under the pillow.

He pulled my wrist and tied it to the headboard. I tried to pull my hand but his grip was very tight.

As I tried pulling my hand, his grip on my wrist tightened, I winced in pain. He than got off the bed.

"W-what a-are you d-doing l-lucas p-please l-leave me. W-we are f-friends right." I said to him hoping his mind will change.

By now I understood that Lucas was not as good as I think he is.

"Friends! Hmm yn baby me and you are not friends anymore don't you know that." He said with a smirk.

I looked at him in disbelief. I was getting angry but I was not able to move as when I moved my hands which were tied to handcuffs it pained and it hurted me very much.

"You are now my girlfriend baby and I want to have fun with my girlfriend." He started to climb up on the bed. I screamed hoping someone to listen to me and come for my help.

"Scream baby because after this you will scream my name. My dick is desperate to explore you." He said.

"Don't you dare come near me" I said in anger. "Why shouldn't I the day I first saw in the class I was really mesmerized by your beauty. I wanted you so bad. You don't know whenever we hugged your touch gave me a boner."

"You don't know how much I controlled myself. But not today definitely not. Today I will make you mine. " He said as he came more near to me, he started touching my thighs. I regret why did I chose to wear a skirt.

"P-please..... l-leave me........ p-please" I said as I started crying.

He laughed "Never" he came near me and tried kissing me as he placed his lips on my, I bited his lips and he winced in pain.

"Ahhh what the f*** do you think you are doing." He said as he slapped my face very hard.

He harshly smashed his lips on my neck and bite me there and I screamed in pain.

After a second he suddenly screamed in pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhghhhh" and as I opened my eyes my eyes widened on seeing Jungwon there and beating Lucas.

Jungwon's pov

I heard Lucas telling yn that he will show his apartment to her. I didn't feel good about it.

I saw yn getting out of her room beautifully dressed. I wish she would dress up for me.

I then stalked them, they had their Lunch and went away I kept on stalking them but when I came to the building I was lost, it was a very lonely building, I tried to find them but I was not able to.

Then I heard a scream for help and it was of yn I followed her voice. And got to the room. But it was locked.

I then teleported inside the room and saw yn tied and tht boy is biting her and she is screaming in pain.

My anger boiled and I went to him and pulled him by his hair and threw him away from yn and he banged in the wall. He screamed in pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhghhhh" he screamed in pain I started beating Lucas and pour all my anger into beating him up.

I was not able to control myself and my eyes turned red and I bite him on his neck infront of yn and he died there and then.

As his lifeless body fell on the ground I hurriedly moved towards yn. She was crying.

"Calm down yn" I came and started to untie her. "W-what are y-you d-doing here j-jungwon" she asked me.

"It's not the time for these questions" I quickly carried her bridal style. "Close your eyes it might give you dizziness." I said as I teleported............


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