big news | chapter 1

2.9K 26 12

(y/n's pov)

"hi chat!!" i greeted chat while i was waiting for the notification to go out. "how are we today? i've got some big news for you all."

a couple minutes later and i had 15k viewers. "omg! thank you guys for 15k viewers, that's insane." 

"okay, so i'm sure all of you are waiting to see what the big news is.. and well"

"I'M MOVING TO THE UK!!" i finally said. chat started moving so fast that i could barely read it. i saw a few "that's so cool"'s, and some "why would you do that"'s but it didn't really bother me. "okay guys, i'm gonna play some bedwars, and just have caiti on vc with me" i said as i loaded up minecraft

(timeskip to 1 hour later)

i had just finished speed-bridging across to go get blue's bed, when i heard a ding. i looked up to see i had gotten a raid.. from TUBBO? 'holy shit, TUBBO? this can't be real. i've gotta be dreaming' i thought. "thank you tubbo so much for the raid!!" i looked over in chat to see chat spaming that tubbo had said something

"chat what did tubbo say?" i asked chat confused. "dm me when you're done stream:)" i quietly read to myself. "will do, tubbo" i said. 

(30 minutes later)

"okay chat, i think i'm going to end it here, who should we raid?" i asked chat as i was finishing stream. "y/n i think i'm gonna go live if you want to raid me" caiti suggested. "okay sure. guys we're gonna raid caiti, go give her some love!" i said excitedly as i was ending stream

'i was not expecting this to all happen today.. what does tubbo want? there's no way it was actually him' i thought. i pulled out my phone and opened twitter to send tubbo a message

(tubbo left, y/n right)

y/u/n (your username)

hi! it's y/n, you said to dm you after stream?


yeah! hi y/n. i just wanted to say that i've been watching your streams for a while, and i think you're really cool. do you wanna maybe stream together sometime?

'oh my god, THE tubbo wants to stream, WITH ME?? ' i thought. 'i should probably reply '


yeah, that'd be so fun!


okay cool, maybe tomorrow? i could see if dream would let you on the smp, we could do something like drista and tommy have done, if you know what they did


aw, you don't have to ask to let me on the server, we could do something different! i don't want to be any trouble


it's no trouble at all y/n, don't worry.


okay fine, text me when you want to stream:)


will do:)



seen: 4:38 pm

'i can't believe this is really happening.. i've gotta tell caiti and piso after caiti's done streaming..' i thought while drifting off to sleep

a/n: hi! okay so this was the first chapter, let me know how you like it, and if i should change anything/any suggestions you have for the story. remember to eat something and drink water, i love you!!<3

wordcount: 464

is this love? • tubbo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now