the stream (part two) | chapter 3

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a/n: sorry i haven't uploaded in a couple days, i've been busy with school<33

(30 minutes later)

me and tubbo were going around the dream smp. he was showing me around, even though i'd already seen all of it from watching his streams and stuff, but it was so much cooler to see for myself. everything was peaceful, until i heard a discord notification that indicated someone had joined our vc.

"HELLO? TUBBO WHO IS THIS WOMAN?" an obnoxiously loud british voice yelled. 'god.. that must be tommy. who else could it be?' i thought and rolled my eyes

"tommy be nice, and this is y/n" tubbo said.

"hi!" i replied


"okay, a couple of things tommy. literally shut up, you're so loud i had to turn down my discord voloume so i don't burst my eardrums. second of all, don't call me woman. i have a name, and it's y/n. yes i stream, and tubbo's just showing me around" i said annoyed.

"jeez, ok woman" tommy said trying to annoy me

"you know what, i'm just gonna let it go cause i don't expect you'll stop" i responded

"tommy do you need something? i'm trying to show y/n around" tubbo said seeming impatient for tommy to leave. 'that's weird ' i thought to myself while i was walking around

"okay fine i'll leave, but just so you know i want to talk to you later tubbo. and i mean it" tommy replied before leaving the vc.

"that was weird" tubbo said. "yeah, it kinda was. anyways, where were we?" i said happily. we continued running around on the smp, stopping at places so tubbo could show me and tell me about the history and stuff. we'll just pretend like i didn't already know everything.

(25 minutes later)

"okay, i think i'm going to end stream now as i've got to get the last of my stuff packed up to go to england tomorrow" i informed chat. "bye chat, i'm gonna raid tubbo. bye tubbo! i love you all, make sure you get something to eat, and drink something, and get enough rest. have an awesome day or night, and go show tubbo some love!" i exclaimed as i ended my stream.

i left vc not too long after i ended my stream, thanking tubbo for showing me around. 'i had fun playing with him, maybe i should ask him to do that again sometime'  i thought as i went to go grab my suitcase. almost all of my stuff had been packed in boxes and shipped down to the uk, more specifically, my new house. it was a small house, just big enough for one person as i didn't plan on having anybody else live with me. it would just be awkward, and i never really like to talk about the whole twitch streamer thing so that would most definitley be awkward. maybe not for them, but definitley for me. 

i grabbed the last of my clothes, makeup, toiletries, and other stuff and packed it all in my suitcase. i also grabbed a backpack and put a few books, my laptop, some airpods, and my chargers in it for the plane ride. it was going to be a long one, and i had to leave at 4 in the morning, which means i would have to leave by 2:30 and be up by 1. so i had to go to bed super early if i actually wanted to be alive. 

i stopped thinking and went to go grab one last box. i packed up my pc, and put it by the doors for the movers to come get in the morning. i went and got ready for bed. once i was all ready i went to go get in bed, but i checked my phone first, opening a text from tubbo


are you going to bed?


yep! goodnight tubs, we have to meet once i'm settled in my new house:)<3


of course, goodnight love<3

'DID HE JUST CALL ME LOVE???? you know what, y/n do not overthink it. it was just friendly. right? there's no way that could mean anything. you don't like him. and he doesn't like you.'

i thought while drifting off to sleep 'this has been one hectic day'

a/n: HII! okay so sorry i haven't posted in a couple days, i've been busy and stressed with school. i hope y'all understand. tubbos pov talking with tommy will be next chapter i think? it should be. unless i forget. praying i won't tbh, i'm a very forgetful person. just so y'all know my pronouns are she/they. but yeah, make sure you get some food, and drink some water. make sure you get some sleep too, your body needs it all. even if you think it's not important it is. i love you! /p

word count: 723:)

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