three words with a big meaning | chapter fifteen

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(y/n's pov, next day)

i woke up, my face buried in toby's chest. i slowly pull away, remembering what had happened last night. i was pulled out of my thoughts by toby pulling me back down. "noooo, stay here for a bit, i want more cuddles" "y'know, have i ever told you how clingy you are?" he gasps, then quickly turns away from me. "nooo i was joking. i like your clingyness" i say, attempting to turn him back over. he finally turns back over, smiling at me. i lean down and kiss him. nothing long, just short and sweet... but what happened next i really wasn't expecting

he sat up a little bit, and turned towards me..

"y/n, i love you"

HASHDHADHSADHBAS I ALREADY HAD THIS IN MY DRAFTS SO I DECIDED TO POST IT!! does y/n say it back? find out next chapter, whenever i get the motivation to write! also i'm so sorry it's been such a long time. i will update soon i promise<33

make sure you get food & something to drink<3

- staar

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