the stream (part one) | chapter 2

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a/n: YOO SOMEONE ADDED MY BOOK TO THEIR READING LIST:D also thank you for 28 reads!! i have no life so this story's gonna be updated frequently unless i forget, but i promise i won't ghost y'all:]

(y/n pov still)

i woke up in a panic. was it all just a dream? i start to get up and out of bed slowly, still half asleep. 'a nice hot shower is just what i need' i thought to myself. i slowly trudged to the bathroom and turned on the hot water.

(time skip until after they're done in the shower because i am not going into detail-)

i slowly walked back to my room with more energy. i opened my wardrobe and got out an outfit. 

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a/n: these are just some ideas, feel free to change it if you want<3 my favourite is the second one:]

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a/n: these are just some ideas, feel free to change it if you want<3 my favourite is the second one:]

i walked out to my kitchen to go get some breakfast, but when i looked i had no food. 'shit. i thought i had food still' i thought. i had forgotten i had ate or gotten rid of everything since i was leaving soon and most of my stuff was already packed in boxes. 'i guess i'll go buy some food then' i thought as i grabbed my keys to leave. i got in my car and started driving to this cute little cafe nearby.

when i got there, i ordered my usual. they know what i normally get since i come here often. "i have a y/d and y/f for y/n" (y/d - your drink, y/f - your food) the barista says "thank you! have a good day" i say as i grab my stuff and turn around to sit down.

just as i had sat down to eat i had gotten a dm. i opened it, curious as to what it was.


hi! are you still up for streaming today? dream said it was okay for you to join the server


yeah for sure! i'm just out getting food right now but do you want to stream when i get back?


yeah that works. also i was thinking could i have your number?

not in a creepy way

just that it works better to text


yeah of course! it's ***-***-****

seen: 9:08 am

i wasn't expecting him to respond so quickly.. i guess i thought he wouldn't actually want to talk to me, since he's got so much to do. you know, with being a bigger twitch streamer and all. my thoughts got interrupted by a text from a random number.






is this y/n?


oh yeah, that's me. tubbo?


you can call me toby:)

y/n changed ***-***-**** to 'toby^-^'

toby^-^ changed ***-***-**** to y/n<3


okay, i'm on my way home now


okay, drive safe y/n!

'toby's so sweet.. i haven't talked to him much but i've watched him for a while. he's such a nice person, in all honesty, i don't know how he's still single.. maybe i could change that.. no y/n. you just started talking to him. that's bad. you don't like toby. he's just a friend..' i thought as i was getting in my car. 'i just met the boy. i cannot like him this fast, that's like gotta be a law or something'

soon after i was finally home. so, i texted toby and told him i was ready to stream if he was.


hi tubbs! i'm home so we can stream whenever:)


okay sure, we can stream now. give me your discord and i'll add you, and i'll call you when i'm ready


okay sounds good. it's y/u/n

i walked over to my pc to get stream started. "HELLO CHAT!! today we're gonna be playing on the dream smp with tubbo! he's gonna show me around for a bit, like dream let drista and tommy do! although i am not tubbos sister" i explained to chat

dsmplover28239: YOO THATS AWESOME

user4: why would they let you on there out of everyone

user3: replying to user4; you're just mad it's not you

staarislive: THAT'S SO EXCITING!!

a/n: staarislive is my twitch if you want to follow it 😽

"alright chat! let's wait for tubbo, and then we'll load on the server" i said excitedly

a/n: here's chapter 2 for you all, again seriously thank you for 28 reads. i know it's not much, but for just making this yesterday i am very proud and greatful for you all:)

make sure you drink some water and eat something, have a great day/night and i love you!<3

word count: 774 (i think) :]

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