"tubbo?" "y/n?" | chapter four

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a/n: HIII!! it's supposed to storm tonight until sunday, so for two days. i hate snow storms:( also, it's like 6pm for tubbo we'll say

(tubbos pov) 

after me and y/n ended our streams, i logged off of minecraft. just as i was getting up to go get something to eat, tommy started spamming me on discord, saying that we needed to talk about y/n. 

'we have to talk about y/n? why do we need to talk about y/n? i just started talking to her.. nothing's happening right? nothing can happen. i've known her for like two days, it's fine tubbo. tommy probably just wants to be his annoying self' i thought before clicking the answer button

"TUBBOOOO" tommy's loud voice shouted through my headset.

"tommy what do you need? i'm starving" i replied.

"tubbo we need to talk about y/n, and i want you to be honest here, okay?"

"uhmm, alright sure."

"tubbo do you like y/n?"

"no.. what? why? what makes you ask that? i just met her, surely i can't like her tommy. i mean yeah she's cute and i've thought maybe i do but i'm not sure.. OH I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT. TOMMY YOU HAVE TO SWEAR ON YOUR LIFE NOT TO SAY ANYTHING"

"I KNEW IT. OKAY. BYE TUBBO" he screamed as he left the vc.

i'm screwed.

what happens if y/n finds out? will our friendship be ruined? there's no way she feels the same, this is insane.

(y/n's pov)

i woke up to my alarm clock beeping 'beep beep beep' "UGHHHHHHH" i groaned as i turned off the alarm. i literally do not want to be awake right now, it is so early for this. 



i shoot right up and go get a shower, once i'm done i change into a comfortable outfit. (you can pick if you want:))

i quickly do some light makeup, and throw everything back into my suitcase

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i quickly do some light makeup, and throw everything back into my suitcase. i grab my bags, do a once-over of my apartment to make sure i'm not missing anything, and i leave. i can't believe i'm going to the uk, to live there. this is so exciting.

(timeskip to the airport cause i'm lazy!!)

i grabbed my stuff and got out of the uber after paying. i walked into the airport and went through security, my least favourite part. almost everytime that stupid detector makes me stop, when i don't even have anything. luckily it didn't this time. once i was through security i went and stopped to grab something to eat and a coffee since i hadn't eaten anything yet this morning.

a/n: change the order if you'd like, this is just what i'd order. also i'm saying y/n's from canada cause that's where i'm from and i want to say they're getting stuff from tims cause tims is superior!! you can't change my mind ;)

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