Dirt on blanc

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Song:she knows/by:j cole

"Chapter five after pressuring blanc I walked out and every one was outside"

we walk to Olivia's house and sit down everyone talks about what happened in blanc,s office and I told them what happened with me and questioning him everyone is in shock"

"You don't think blanc really has the balls to kill does he ?" Johnny says "i don't know the way he replied to my questions was suspicious"

" and the fact he even knows that there was a body in the kitchen is just not sitting right"

"Even if you are right I don't think we should just assume we need some dirt on him like proof" marchie suggests

"So we just need some dirt on blanc" tony smirks and looks at Johnny "I can get my hands dirty" Johnny says

"Then let's do it"  and tony and Johnny fist bump "Johnny can I talk to you ?" Olivia demands and Johnny goes with her into the bedroom

"What's up baby ?" "I don't feel comfortable with you going with Tony alone" "you mean your jealous ?" Johnny asks

"No" Olivia lies and Johnny bursts out laughing "baby that's the most stupidest thing you have ever said 1:she's lesbian 2:marchie and her got something going on"

"I mean I guess" "don't worry baby I will be back before you know it" "okay but what kind of dirt do you want on blanc ?"

"Maybe a confession idk really but tony will figure out something you know since she's crazy" Olivia giggles and kisses Johnny he leaves the bedroom and sees tony is ready"

"Ok guys we will see you later and tell you if we find something interesting" Johnny says

"Ok just be safe" marchie says "bye guys" tony says before leaving and their walking in the forest in silence and tony breaks it.

"I have a question for you" "please don't-" "why Olivia I mean I get it she's hot but you now personality"

"Johnny chuckles but then smirks at tony "alrigh Olivia well she's a fire cracker she liked me for more than my looks"

" I know she acts like she doesn't give a shit about people but she cares she even thought we would hook up and was jealous"

"I'm kinda convinced now" "and what about you ?" Why marchie I mean you guys met each other like 1-2 weeks ago"

"She doesnt consider me weird or a freak just a person who likes stuff unlike you guys" "cmon I admit your kinda crazy but now that we got rid of a body aren't we all ?"

"Probably but what do you think is up with blanc ?" "Well it would be pretty easy to kill someone when your a cop I just can't imagine it"

"I get that anyways we're here" they stop at the sheriffs station meanwhile at Olivia's house everyone was thinking me Steve finally speaks

"Do you think that we should all go home ?" "Idk should we wait for tony and Johnny ?" Mike says "why ?" Marchie says "for information on blanc"

"You don't really think blanc,s the killer ?" "I mean tony said some really convincing things and isn't she your girlfriend ?"

"Olivia says leaning on the doorframe of her room "well not really we don't know right now she's leaving it up to me to decide because she's fine with either"

"Well what do you want ?" Mike asks "yeah marchie cmon tell your big brother and the people who helped hide someone's body" Steve says

"Last time I checked weren't you a homophobic asshole" "yes yes I was but me any tony talked it out and I realized she's been through a lot of shit"

"so guess who,s not a asshole but for your info I wasn't homophobic I'm just a overprotective brother"

"Yeah yeah" marchie says rolling her yes and Olivia goes into her kitchen and brings out a couple of beers to everyone"

"Well you know if we're waiting we might as well get drunk" mikes raises up he's beer "to tony and Johnny no finding any dirt on blanc"

"Cheers to that" Olivia says meanwhile tony and Johnny hide behind a bush and watch "what are you-" Johnny says "shut up" tony says "rude"

"Look all we need is just a little evidence papers,fingerprints anything of that person" "well we're kinda rushing j don't think I remember anything about that body"

"He was wearing blue jeans with he's phone in he's pocket it's a mini one"

" he had a white vest that said duuude he's hair was dark and silked back with gel probably and was earring green glasses"

"Wtf how do you remember all that ?" " are you really asking me that ?" "Touché how are we  gonna get into his office ?"

"Everyone leaves at 6 on the dot after we can just go inside" "don't they lock up and what about cams and alarms ?"

"I can pick the lock I can kill the cams and there no alarms" "how do you know ?" "What do you think I do in my free time ?"

"Hide bodies" "anyways this will be easy" "if you say so your the expert"

tony groans and they wait for hours they talk alot and argue and laugh

" Johnny falls asleep on tony,s shoulder and tony falls asleep on he's head "

" then tony hears the gates closing and wakes up she nudges Johnny and he wakes up

"Cmon their gone" tony says and they walk to the station tony looks around and picks the lock and it clicks"

"Well I guess your freakiness if useful" Johnny says "charming" tony rolls her eyes and they up inside and press against the wall to prevent being seen by the cams

"Tony goes into a room and disables the cameras and then they walk into Blancs office and look through stuff and look everywhere

"There's nothing here !" Johnny shouts frustrated "there has to be" tony sighs and then sees something in between papers and she picks it up and sees it's a blue plastic ring

"What ?" Johnny asks as he walks towards her tony realizes "tony what's wrong ?"

"This...this is the dead guys ring" Johnny and tony look at each other worried (song ends) blackout

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