The stalker

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Song:money/by:the drums

"Chapter eleven after I took Stacy on her walk around the town my mom told me I was off the hook and with marchie and Steve after the dreadful day with the their dad they went home

"Mom we're home !" "Yeah..." their mom walks up to Steve and slaps him she has tears in her eyes "how dare you speak to your father like that"

"That man is not my father no matter how much blood we share" their mother slaps him again "mom can you stop !"marchie intervenes  "And what about you huh ? You didn't help your father when Steve was punching him to a pulp"

"Mom are you listening to your self you are so fucken Delusional your defending a man who doesn't deserve shit think of the man who left you for some rich bitch"

" think of the man who would not even remember his kids when they knock on the door think of the man who doesn't give a shit about your health wait no I'm sorry his not a man"

Marchie walks over to her room as her mom faces the floor now "I hope it was worth defending him instead of shouting shit to him" Steve says and walks up to his room

"After that with Johnny and Olivia Olivia wakes up with a arm around her she looks over to Johnny and kisses his forehead  she gets up and was changing "hey leaving so soon" Johnny says as he puts his arms behind his back

"Well I have some important things to do" "like what ?" "My friend Cathy needs me she feels like she hasn't seen me in forever and I can't make a excuse for her this time"

"But we still need need to help mike with um that girls body" "hey I'm sure you and the others can take care of it but might come earlier and help if not sorry and you have tony so everything will be just fine"

"You make it sound so wrong that she knows what to do to hide a body" "that's because it is" "well she's what's helping us hide it to make it untraceable be grateful"

"I am but non of this wouldn't be happening I'd SHE never encouraged us to hide that first body which the cops are still looking for"

"So your saying it's her fault" "you know that's not what I'm saying" "yeah okay look Olivia I know you and Tony have your differences but you have to work through it to save all of us to years in jail"

"Johnny I don't-" "just think about it" "yeah yeah ok" Johnny kisses her "see you later" Olivia says and climbs out the window as Johnny crosses his arms and smiles at her

Later at tony,s her alarm goes off and she switches it off and checks the time "10 already..." she wakes up and brushes her teeth she baths and puts her clothes on with her beanie she calls marchie but she doesn't answer and then tony calls mike

"Mike ?" "Tony please come to my house quick" "yeah yeah I know hiding lily's body" "no it's something else" "ok what is-" he hangs up and tony looks confused but she heads downstairs

"Good morning tony !" Stacy says and tony smiles awkwardly "morning..." tony says "hey sweetheart I'm gonna go to work please take Stacy with you wherever your going"

"No mom you promised I was off the hook with her I have very important things to do and Stacy can't come with me"

"Tony !" "Mom plea-" "tony grace !" "Shit fine" "good bye love you" "..." tony,s mo leaves and tony takes her bag and takes water and a left over pie and was about to head out the door

"Hey Tony where are you going ?" Stacy asks "I'm meeting mike and the rest at his place" "ok let me just-" "look Stacy I know you have no friends here but dude I really need my space so can you just Stay home for today"

"Fine ok...." "Thanks text me if you need anything or you want to go to paro,s but ONlY useful shit ok ?"

"Ok bye..." tony leaves and Stacy is their alone after tony arrives to mikes house and mike pulls her in and tony sees Johnny

"Hey" tony says "sup tony" Johnny says  "you wanted to see us ?" "Yes so-" "wait where's marchie and Steve"

"I can't get ahold of them" "same" both Johnny and tony say "you think their in trouble" Johnny asks

"nah I know marchie and Steve went to visit their dad and Steve texted me that something went down so that's probably why they can't come" mike says

  "well they better marchie has been ignoring my ass and I'm on the verge of breaking my phone by how much storage I spent on her" tony complains

"Yeah and they need to help with the body" Johnny says "ok ok I get it but can I please tell you why I called you here" mike says

"Yeah ok" both tony and Johnny say and they sit down drinking a beetle blaster drink "so last night someone knocked on my door and then when I went to open it no one was there"

"Hmm very horror movie like" tony says as she stops drinking the beetle blaster "after that l went  back to the couch thinking it was nothing

"But then I heard the basement door creak and went to cheak it out "that's stupid" Johnny says and they now look at him "well basements are creepy "after I went inside trying to switch the light and it didn't switch I then went down and saw lily's body and when I tried to remove she..."

she grabbed my arm but then I went back to reality as I got a message and when I turned around..."

"what what happened ?" Tony asks "cmon man we're invested" "lily stabbed me in the stomach and then she said that's how it felt but think about it 17 times...I ran up the basement but when I look led at my stomach" he lift up his shirt "there's no stab mark or scar" Johnny says "exactly"

"Ok ok now I know your making this up really funny Mike" Johnny laughs and tony and mike look at him with a serious face

"Oh cmon...tony do you believe him ?" "I don't know what to believe guys weird things are happening ever since that end of graduation party dude I found a bloody knife in my drawer"

"Let me guess...Stacy ?" "Cmon you have yo believe don't you guys think it weird she just come out of no where I didn't even know I had a cousin !" "It's suspicious that's true and the bloody knife is just one of it but we have to really be sure" Mike says

All there's phones ding and they see a message from office blanc "I know about lily and I want to ask you guys a few questions" tony,Johnny and mike look at each other worried

back at marchie,s and Steve's they see the message and they both go out of their rooms looking at each other worried

with Olivia she's laughing with Cathy and sees the message she shows a worried face "Is everything ok ?" Cathy asks "yeah never been better" Olivia says and is still looking worried
Blackout (song ends)

Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter and I will be starting a new book Called five years ago or breathless so yeah 🧡

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