Chapter 2

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A week had already passed since I had first met Steve and now here I was sat in a car heading off to my new temporary life. I had studied my file inside and out wanting no room for error. 

"So Chris and Alyssa Ford newlyweds a month to be exact, Chris an accountant who got transferred hence the move and Alyssa an interior designer" I summarised as Steve drove down the quiet country roads. 

"Instead I have to get as much evidence as I can on these arms deals that have been going on for a while threat level is mild however confidentiality level is high" Steve said as I nodded along. 

I felt a little unused to be honest. I was the alias in this plan. The quiet side character who was simply there for it not to be suspicious. "What are you thinking about?" Steve asked and I was pulled away from my thoughts. 

"Sorry oh, nothing just what exactly am I going to be doing other than staying home?" I asked unsurely. "Without you, I would be considered the creepy new guy who came out of nowhere" he simply replied. 

"Also Fury told me afterwards that you were one of the only people he trusted enough not to mess this up" he added and I couldn't hide the slight smile that crept onto my face. 

"The house will most likely be bugged in about a few days" Steve explained as I nodded staring out at the big houses that were coming into view. "Trust isn't exactly a common thing in the illegal business" he continued.

"There will be no privacy so we're going to have to come up with creative ways to talk business" Steve said. "Shouldn't be that hard" I said as Steve started parking the car in the long driveway of a huge house. Our huge house.

There were a few boxes in the trunk simply just for show as the house was already furnished. We needed elements to add personal touch pictures, certificates and various trinkets. 

In the week leading up to the mission, Steve and I had to send in pictures to editors to forge wedding and honeymoon pictures.  

I hopped out of the car attempting to straighten out my short sundress. I wasn't used to wearing anything other than combat gear and training clothes so this felt odd.  Steve was wearing jeans and a plain white shirt. Casual moving attire. 

I looked up at the house in awe it was a typical American movie house with a large porch, grand doors and a well-kept lawn. 



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