Chapter 17

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The uber stopped right outside the grand suburban house where Steve's car was already parked, I spotted him pacing around the front of the car and he abruptly stopped after hearing the car approach the house. 

"What happened?" he asked approaching me quickly "I got back and Harry said you had left he looked very pissed off" he added before looking at my disheveled state and busted lip, now anger was surging through his body. 

"Was that him?" he asked coldly as his thumb grazed over my busted lip. I ignored his questions instead wanting to explain myself right away.  

"I fucked up I really really fucked up" I said not minding my language "you left and he came at me, he started kissing me and I just reacted" I explained knowing I had messed this mission up, something I had never done before. 

Fury was going to be furious. 

"That asshole" Steve mumbled as his jaw clenched all he wanted was to get his hands on that man now.

"I know I shouldn't have done anything but then he hit me and wouldn't let go, I'm sorry, I really am" I mumbled out all at once. 

"Hey, hey, hey" Steve said as he quickly brought me into an embrace "it wasn't your fault it was instincts" he said "he had it coming."

"Yeah and by now he probably knows we aren't some dumb suburban couple interested in weapons but people sent out to get him and expose his illegal deals" I said annoyed at myself. 

Steve knew that they were now done for "post dinner walk?" he asked weakly and I nodded as we started walking around "I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so stupid" I said again for what felt like the hundredth time. 

"Don't worry too much this mission was at it's end anyways" Steve explained "I've already sent Fury all the evidence hopefully it'll be enough to take him down" he said and I nodded. "Until then we play pretend" he said.

"That is what we've been doing" I said looking towards Steve's direction as he stared down at me, a frown evident on his face "yeah you're right" he said softly and I regret saying that now. 

"Ready to head back" he said before clearing his throat and I nodded as we made our way back to the house. Steve opened the door but stopped right under it as he held a hand up stopping me from entering. He looked down at me and I nodded. 

Someone was in the house. 



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