Chapter 11

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The next day I was woken up to the smell of breakfast. Eggs to be precise.

Just as I sat up Steve walked in with a tray in hand as I raised an eyebrow he was dressed in a suit ready to head out any moment.

"Thought I'd bring up a little breakfast before I head out to work I have a meeting with one of Harry's guys" Steve explained as he lightly pushed the tray towards me. 

"Bye sweetie" he said as he came over kissing the side of my head "bye" I called out as I heard the front door shut. I pushed the tray aside as I got up instead.

I walked into the bathroom brushing my teeth before deciding I would have to shower someday. I turned the water on letting it run to get hot as I picked out some clothes from the closet, a plain little sundress that was a beautiful shade of yellow.

I slowly stripped off my clothes getting into the shower feeling self-conscious as I quickly washed being done in record time.

I changed just as fast but reminded to pace myself not wanting to seem hasty.

The breakfast on the tray was cold now, I sighed bringing it downstairs. I threw the food away cleaning the dishes as I made myself a coffee. 

Surely just throwing away food wasn't suspicious in any way, there could be a number of reasons to throw away a tray of food made lovingly by your husband.

My real husband would probably know by now that I hated eggs however Steve did not. The smell alone made me nauseous.

I drank my coffee in silence feeling like I had no purpose, I took out my pretend work as I stared at the designs and furniture in a sketchbook that was not made by me for sure.

If I was back at shield headquarters now would be the time I'd be finishing up training and starting on paperwork for a new mission.

I admired the pieces, pretending to work was hard. I decided I had enough I grabbed the keys to the house maybe a little grocery shopping would be better.

We didn't necessarily need food but maybe with a task in mind I could actually function properly.

I locked the house up getting in the car, the second car that had not been used yet. I put the nearest grocery store in navigation as I started the short drive down.


Scott supremacy <3

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Scott supremacy <3

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