Chapter 16

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"Darling I'm home" Steve called out as he entered the house to see his wife nose deep in a book on the couch. 

"You're early" I observed walking over to greet him. 

"I know I sealed the deal with Harry today" he replied as he watched my face light up. 

This meant they were on the perfect path. "Oh that's great" I said genuinely happy. 

"Now I have a dinner with him tonight" Steve said and I nodded as he hung up his coat. "he wants you to join us" he said and my smile faltered 

"why?" I asked knowing damn well why and Steve shrugged. 

I decided to take a chance "oh he kinda creeps me out" I said and Steve's eyes widened, this was the last thing he was expecting me to say 

"it's fine though I'll go get ready" I said. Now Harry would know that his advances were very clearly unwanted. 

I got ready for dinner in record time settling on a navy blue mid length plain dress. Nothing special with some gold jewelry and block heels. Steve was waiting downstairs and his face lit up as I walked down the stairs. 

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded grabbing my hand and leading us out ready for the drive to the mysterious place again. 

Upon arriving we were ushered to a long table where Harry was already seated at the end. He gestured for Steve and I to take seats on either side of him. Odd placement but we obliged. 

"Chris, Alyssa I'm so glad you came" he said and I nodded with a monotone expression on my face.  Dinner started casual with light conversation until Harry said Steve should air out details of their deal in a separate room with one of his men. 

I was left alone with a grinning Harry. "So darling" Harry started mocking the nickname Steve had used earlier "I get the impression you don't like me very much" he said as he approached me 

"oh it's nothing" I shrugged as he leaned down making eye contact. 

"Maybe I can change your mind" he said as he got closer backing me up into my seat as he kissed my lips. It was like a switch turned in my head and on instinct I punched him, I punched him hard in the face and stood up. 

Harry was shocked to say the least, the hit was powerful and in retaliation he slapped my face, just as hard busting my lip open. I turned to walk away as I tasted my own blood in my mouth but he grabbed my arm forcing me back into him 

"what the fuck do you think you're doing" he hissed right in my ear. 

Again on instinct, I grabbed the arm he was using to hold me back against him and flipped it putting him in a chokehold before I flipped him over so he was lying flat on the floor, upon realising what I done I hurried out of there. 

I called an uber getting in as I muttered a stream of profanities "fuck, fuck, fuck" and leaned into the backseat. 

I was sure we were compromised now.



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