Chapter 14

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I breathed heavily as I lay next to Steve the duvet covers did a good job of hiding everything beneath the sheets yet it didn't matter the shower this morning revealed anything and everything.

My mind was empty as Steve got up "I'm gonna go shower join me" he said smiling and I nodded mimicking his smile.

Steve was an attractive man and the sex was great but the fact that it was pretend left me feeling vacant.

The shower was completed in silence yet with happy expressions. We had to play the part. 

"I'm craving something sweet" I said as I brushed through my wet hair. "Cookies?" Steve asked and I nodded "let's bake" I grinned maybe a nice innocent couple's activity would be convincing or was this too much all at once.

"Meet you downstairs" I said as I put the brush down rubbing Steve's arm lovingly as I made my way down the stairs. 

I took out the basic ingredients as I looked up a recipe. I took out an apron placing it over my neck as I struggled to tie the back. To my luck, Steve appeared behind me tying the strings around my back letting his large hands rest on my hips.

I smiled at him before we began the long process of cookies.

"No the cup is this one" I instructed as I held up the larger cup measure to Steve who seemed to be struggling. 

"Ok, how about you just grab the bag of flour from the pantry and I can measure the sugar" I said as Steve nodded letting me take charge. I measured the sugar as I turned around ready to place the sugar back but instead I bumped into Steve.

"Oh my god" I said as the flour bag exploded landing everywhere. I looked at Steve who had his eyes shut right before we both began hysterically laughing at the sights we were in. 

"Ok so surely that was meant to go in the bowl" Steve said as he started scooping piles of flour from my head and placing it in the bowl I shook him off "let's save cookies for another day" I said not excited for the mess we were in.

"How about I clean up and you clean yourself up and I'll bring some cookies tomorrow night" he reasoned and I nodded eagerly. 

I walked back up the stairs using a towel to wipe off any remaining flour and changing into some fresh pyjamas. 

I lay in bed waiting for Steve to show up. He arrived shortly "goodnight love" he said as he kissed my lips briefly "goodnight" I replied before turning the other way and closing my eyes. 

I couldn't help but feel content the act was fake but it still left me feeling like I was on cloud nine. Here I was falling in love with a man who made it so easy. 


good guy by zayn was playing when this was written 🤤

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good guy by zayn was playing when this was written 🤤

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