Chapter 13: Vengeance

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Liana goes to see Clark

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Liana goes to see Clark. Liana opens the door and says, "Hey. Um, the muses weren't helping me with the astronomy paper, so I thought I'd come by and talk you into a frothy--" Clark cuts Liana off and says, "I was on my way to the hardware store. I have to pick up some supplies for tomorrow." Liana says, "Clark, are you sure it can't wait? Because I was really hoping we could talk. Clark, I understand. You and your dad were very close." Clark says, "Liana--" Liana cuts Clark off and says, "You don't have to open up to me. You just can't keep bottling this up inside." Clark says, "Thanks for coming by. I really have to go. The hardware store closes in half an hour." Liana goes to place her hand on Clark's chest and softly says, "Hey..." Clark grabs her hand to stop her from doing so, Clark lets go of her hand and softly says, "I'm sorry." Liana softly says, "No, you're angry. And you should be, but don't keep hiding behind it. Trust me, I've tried." Clark says, "I know you're trying to help. Thank you. But, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." Mrs. Kent comes in looking beat up and Clark says, "Mom? What happened? Oh, my God." Mrs. Kent says, "I was dropping off the clothes these two guys came out of nowhere." Clark says, "Are you hurt?" Mrs. Kent says, "No, I'm alright. Clark, somebody rescued me. But not before they took your father's watch." Later, Liana's at the Talon. Lex walks in and says, "I saw your car out front. Looks like old habits die hard." Liana says, "Mrs. Kent asked me to close up for the night. They're going through a lot right now." Lex says, "Look... Liana." Liana says, "Lex, it's okay. You already said, I'm sorry." Lex says, "Yeah, well, it means more when it's coming from someone who's not drunk. It seemed you were pretty upset with Clark that night. Things better?" Liana says, "None of that really matters anymore. I just wanna able to help him through this difficult time." Lex says, "How's he doing?" Liana says, "Lex, we both know what it's like to lose a parent. He's devastated." Lex says, "Yeah, I tried to get ahold of him, but he doesn't wanna see me." Liana says, "Well, as much as we both wanna help I think all we can do is really just be there for him." Lex softly smiles and says, "He's very lucky to have you in his life, Liana." Liana softly smiles and nods.

" Liana softly smiles and nods

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The next day, Liana's at Clark's loft waiting for him, because she found his dad's watch

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The next day, Liana's at Clark's loft waiting for him, because she found his dad's watch. Liana smiles and says, "I searched every pawnshop in Metropolis for it." Clark says, "I can't believe you found this. Liana... I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I know I should be able to move on, but life without him... doesn't feel real." Liana says, "It's like you're frozen... and the whole world's going on around you. No matter how many people wanna be there for you, you end up going through this alone." Clark nods and says, "It's not like he ever let me take the easy way out either, huh?" Liana softly laughs and says, "Put it on." Clark takes off the watch he's wearing and puts his dad's on. Liana smiles and says, "It looks great. Your dad would be really happy." Clark nods with a soft smile and softly says, "Yeah, he would."

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