Chapter 5: Thirst

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Liana's at her apartment packing when there's a knock on her door and she hears Clark say, "Singing telegram

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Liana's at her apartment packing when there's a knock on her door and she hears Clark say, "Singing telegram." Liana opens her door to see Clark holding two cups of coffee. Clark smiles and says, "Hey." Liana says, "Clark, hi." Clark leans down and peck's Liana's lips and says, "I just wanted to... come by and surprise myself. What's all this?" Liana says, "This is me packing." Clark says, "Packing for what?" Liana says, "For college. I, uh, I got late acceptance to METU." Clark says, "Congratulations. Why didn't you tell me you applied to METU?" Liana says, "Because I didn't wanna get my hopes up. You know, I applied so late, I didn't think I had any chance." Clark says, "With your grades, they'd be crazy not to accept you." Liana softly smiles and says, "Well, I got in just under the wire. There aren't even any dorm rooms left anymore." Clark says, "Where are you gonna stay?" Liana says, "I can crash at Chloe's, but maybe I'll try a sorority. I know how it sounds, but it's the only housing near to campus I have any shot of getting into." Clark says, "You know, uh, Central Kansas University has plenty of housing still available, and..." Liana says, "And they have you. But they don't have any of the course that I'm really interested in. Especially astronomy. It's not gonna be that bad. We'll talk to each other on the phone all the time. Don't worry. Nothing's gonna change between us." Liana smiles at Clark, and he softly smiles back at her. Later, Liana walks into the sorority house she'll be joining and hears a girl say, "Welcome to the most prestigious and exclusive sorority at Metropolis University. We are the richest. We are the prettiest. We are the best. Over the next few days, many of you will leave disappointed, but if you're insanely cool and very, very lucky you might just be chosen to be a Tri Psi. And if that happens, it'll change your life. Forever."

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