Chapter 5

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Jade was busily packing her bags, most of her articles of clothing were still packed neatly so it didn't take long for her to gather her things. She had only been here a few days and already she was being tossed into this mayhem.

Apparently, after this morning's briefing, the team was told there have been kidnappings happening. All are children around their age, who have been disappearing. They have been found dead, deranged, or still missing. Since then, multiple accounts of mangled high powered individuals have been found causing mayhem wherever they could strike. All of them, the one's who were alive, were completely out of it. Chewing off their own skin, talking to themselves, attacking anyone who came near and worse. Batman came to the conclusion, those were in fact, the missing students underneath the trauma, fear and mangled appearances. They seemed to be failure projects like the corpses the league has been finding. It was a lot more dark than the team realized. This was important. They needed to figure out the connection between the students, how they were being kidnapped, and where they were being taken. With little information besides that Gotham City Public High school had the largest amount of disappearances.

Jade heard a upbeat knock rattling her door.  "Jade? Hey, it's me M'gann. " Catgirl heard in a quiet voice. Jade turned away from her two small bags. After sighing deeply, she got up and opened her door. Her teammate was standing there in human form. The green skin was something Jade was accustomed to, it was odd seeing Megan this way for her. The Martian smiled softly.

"Um, can I come in? And help? I already finished." She said as Jade nodded, she stepped to the side and M'gann gladly came in. She was quick to head to the small pile of messy clothes on the bed.

"What's up Megan?" Jade asks, the martian began folding a few T-shirts for the girl.

"What happened last night with Robin? He was muttering things to himself angrily." She said and I sigh.

"To be honest? I'm not sure.." Jade comments, unsure of it.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to make it so weird for you. But in my head, it seems he's pretty interested by you. You know it too." She said, nudging Jade's shoulder with suggestion. It was obvious Dick was catching feelings. Hopefully the type Jade wanted.

"Megan, I am not looking for anything like that right now. Robin's great, okay? It's just we barely know much about each other. It would make everything easy on me if we just gave it time. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. He kinda gives me a mixed vibe anyway." Jade was quick to say. Megan understood her wishes, she makes a 'O' with her mouth and nods.

The two folded in silence, but deep down, Megan did not wanna let the topic go. She could see and feel what was there between the bird and the cat. What was she so nervous for?

"So, you and Robin could happen eventually, huh?" She said with a grin. It's not like Jade said no, it's not like she denied she felt anything. So anything was possible. They're teenagers. Jade widened her eyes, she was definitely embarrassed. The green eyed girl rolled her eyes heavily, but the smile still lingered.

"Not likely." She says swiftly and the duo giggled a bit.

"Come on Jade. We all know it's true. Well I do. Probably Artemis too. Wally spies all the time."

"You guys spy on my love life?" Jade exclaimed. Her love life was nothing impressive or extensive. Hell, she was barely going to be a sophomore.

"No, of course not." Megan teases, the last shirt being placed into the small luggage. They both headed for the door.

Jade blocked Megan with her arm. A signal to stop. She creeped up to the door, gripping the handle as quiet as a mouse. She held her index finger to her lips, Megan nodding as she tried to stay quiet. A few seconds later, that ivory hand yanked the door knob.

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