Chapter 9

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Richard Grayson tapped nervously on the wooden bench he was seated on. He severely felt anxious and the need to get out of this place as soon as possible was the priority. Jade beside him was comforting but he had pulled away as he began to sweat. He had no idea why he was so worried.

His thoughts were only of Jade Kyle beyond that. The boy wonder was sick in his thought that maybe the girl he began to feel something for, did not reciprocate the identical feelings. But, what if she does? He continued to deny any chances of that ever happening.

The acts continued under the big top, Dick was never the squeamish type when it came to visiting this place. However, his fears of Jade noticing his tense posture and the possibility of her sympathizing him for whatever truths she would later learn was not what he had in mind. He wanted to leave a imprint on her mind, not about his past or his backstory. He wanted it to be based off of him and him alone. As ridiculous as it sounds.

Jade knew right away that something was off. Robin was suspiciously quiet and seemed to grip the bench under his fingertips til his knuckles became a chalk white. She feared it would snap with all the pressure he was using. Her slender fingers creeped up, laying her smaller, softer palm on top of his. The tension he once held, began to soften. She leaned towards him. Her nose almost brushing his ear, her breath warm and delicately enveloping his skin in its' embrace.

"Are you alright?" She whispered, it was laced with concern. Her thumb began to rub the top of his hand and in an instant, he could feel his body cover itself in goosebumps. The only response she received was a nod as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat.

She breathed out a smile and pulled away from him, he felt his cheeks were flushed with hues of crimson. He abruptly stood and walked as fast as he could out of there.

His march didn't stop as he hoped the feeling in his body would stop. Digging himself into a deeper ache for her companionship. He then, stopped in front of the large poster. It advertised his family and their previous act they once had here. With the stress deteriorating, he heaved and gave a long sigh. The boy was seriously confused on what it all meant between him and Jade. Whether or not if given the chance to open up to her, she'd even like who he was or what was there before she came into the picture.

 Whether or not if given the chance to open up to her, she'd even like who he was or what was there before she came into the picture

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A soft call, broke Dick out of his trance. He greedily stuffed his cold hands into his jacket as his gaze moved to the sound of the voice he couldn't get enough of.

"Dick? Are you okay?" Jade was standing there. Her green eyes narrowed on him. She began to quicken her pace towards him, as if she was his mother. Jade may act very mature for her age at times, but being the shortest in Young Justice was a real struggle. Coming in at around the level of Dick's chin, she wrapped her arms around herself. The cold was bitter.

"Y-yeah I'm fine.." Dick was quick to say trying to convince her to move back inside. Mostly because she was too delicate for this weather. She was much like a flower, his fears of her wilting caused him to open his arms up, placing her in his arms and rubbing against her shivering frame.

"Your lying Dick, I can tell." Jade said, crossing her arms and pulling back. "What's wrong?" She asked wanting an answer.

"I am just...not comfortable here.."

"Why?" She asked still wanting a complete explanation. Jade is one of those people that wants to have everyone around her happy. And the Boy Wonder began to love that about her.

After heaving a long sigh, Dick peeled his jacket off, placing the material over her shoulders. His hands rubbed her biceps to create friction. Pulling her back into his embrace, he places his chin atop her head. He hummed slightly, as he spilled the truth about his family. His eyes flickering between her and the large poster against the wall.

Jade listened intently, her hands cold as ice feeling their way onto his abdomen. His stomach muscles contracted at her touch, his breath hitches slightly as he continued his story. The nimble fingers itched upwards, underneath his shirt meeting the contact of his burning hot skin. The sensation of warmth lifting the cold from her hands. His arms stayed wrapped around her, his eyes absentmindedly hung on her from time to time. They immediately made contact with her dark green hues every single time. Not once, did she pull away.

"I'm sorry Rob.." She said looking up at him. She knew parts of his life, mostly from Selina who for some reason, kept decent tabs on most of Gotham's latest and greatest. "It's alright.." He whispered and in those few seconds, it felt as time stopped.

His hand raised, it grazed the soft skin of her cheek. Caressing the flushed skin, she leaned against it. Her eyes closed softly, a playful smile against her lips. She looked so much like Selina, it almost scared him.  

The eyes opened again, the smile still present and the green hues made his heart race. "What's up, Boy Wonder?" She asked, her hands never left his stomach as his skin was now on fire. They continued to creep up slowly. The agonizing feeling of her hands touching him felt almost painful. Scratch that, it was absolutely painful. Painfully slow, a part of him wanted more but, that was something he didn't feel appropriate or even fathomable.

"I know you know my real name, Jade." He teased a little, "It's just us, why don't you use it?" He smiled into her. He leaned in a little, there was something he wanted.

"Oh, so you prefer Richard Grayson?" She teased him a little. She raised her face slightly, his thumb shifting because of her change in position. She was getting a little bit more invested in this. She was giving off a feeling he was unsure he wanted to take for himself.

Jade Kyle knew exactly what he was doing as well. Her bottom lip was grazed by his thumb, as it brushed the soft skin, their eyes connected.

The two began to inch closer together. Closer and closer until a shrill screech could be heard inside the tent. Both heroes stumbled apart, quickly ditching their romantic moment to face whatever was awaiting them.

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