Chapter 8

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Jade was taken by M'gann to the Giant Spinning ride called 'Fire Ball'. Almost immediately on arrival, the Martian was quick to tug the cat in every direction to literally everything. It was as if she didn't previously have a long discussion about Robin and Jade together. The whimsical enchanting site before her was clouding her original plans. Jade could tell by Connor's face he was not amused by the Martian's idea of 'fun'. However, he relaxed a bit when M'gann grabbed his hand. She was quick to dispose of Cat in exchange for Connor. Something that Ms.Kyle did not mind. Their companions looked at them as they began heading towards the monster of a ride.

"Have fun Connor." Wally said smirking as he shot him back a Glare. M'gann's grip was tight and the skipping in her step made Jade laugh as she was happy how slyly got out of getting on this contraption. Superboy, was not so lucky. Wally and Jade both smiled to each other. There was something there, something that Connor was yet to figure out.

Jade's green eyes lit up at the sight she saw not too far away from where she was standing. "Come on Rob, we are going on that!" She yelled happily. Her finger pointed at the large ride called 'Foot Loose'. The ride was adorned with crazy lights and flashy colors. From the looks of it, the machine goes upside down and around kinda looks like two hammers screwed together in the center of the contraption and spin opposite directions over and around. It's lights basically blinded the girl, but it didn't faze her.

"Quite the dare Devil, eh Jade?" He said chuckling. This wasn't a first date or anything but, it's as close as he'll get. Robin decided he would take what he can.

"A girl can be." Jade quipped back, her smile gleamed. The cat then proceeded to drag him along to the flashy ride.

"Slow down Jay!" He laughed. She made him feel so alive sometimes. He was in for a long night beside her. But did he mind? Absolutely not.

After plenty of time running around, in fits of giggles and laughter

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After plenty of time running around, in fits of giggles and laughter. Jade's mouth hurt from all the fun she was having with Robin. It was as if he was the only one in the world she cared about at that given moment in time. They were eventually spotted by their teammates, unbeknownst to them. Their little fiasco was cut short by Wally and Artemis. The duo came up beside their younger teammates.

"Hey, you two!" Artemis said smirking at the locked hands and flickering her gaze at Jade. Catgirl's cheeks heated up. They almost burned in a way. She knows she was in for a long talk later about her growing infatuation with the Bird Boy. Something that Jade was not even ready to admit to or even discuss.

"Hey guys.." Dick said lightly. His hand began intertwining their fingers. Jade glanced down at it, almost in awe. She didn't keep the stare for too long. Wally give Dick a slight nudge and all he got in reply was a glare. Robin's eyes flickered back and forth between  Wally and Artemis, as if he was communicating something Jade couldn't understand between the two boys.

"Well, come on. The line is short!" Artemis said, hooping her arm with the redhead. She broke out in a sprint, a whining and insistent Wally.

Jade and Dick were still standing there. In slight confusion of what they witnessed. Was there something they weren't aware of? Was something going on between those two? They never stop talking about each other but yet, it was never in a positive light. Jade supposed opposites attract.

"You think maybe they're dating?"

"I think so." Dick whispered to her, his eyes looking at the duo in the distance bickering back and forth. They were glued to the hip.

"They'd be cute. I hope I have someone who'd do that for me. Y'know, the type of person who will annoy me to no end but I can't get enough of. I don't think I've met him yet though. I'm young, I got plenty of time." The girl says with a smile. Richard nods with a emotionless expression. He didn't look very happy. He looked conflicted, maybe even nervous. Was it something she said? It's not like he could be hurt about what she said. It wasn't directed towards anyway in particular. Maybe he cared a lot about his teammates. He probably didn't wanna hear her 'feelings' rant. Or maybe he just doesn't like her talking negative?

The duo hurried to their odd friends, cutting into the line with them. It was a lot more fun than Jade imagined, especially with Wally screaming like a girl. Dick even thought it was Artemis, he was dying of laughter when he realized it was their speedster who could screech at such a high level.

The team finally caught up together at the large game tents. Dick's been quiet almost this entire walk back and proceeded to keep it afterwards. Jay was not having it. She tried to make conversation to no avail. What was going on? He never even gave her any sign of expression. Just like Batman, he was stoic as hell.

"Oh, Hello Megan! We have ten minutes before the Circus starts!" M'gann said standing up along with everyone else. The large big top wasn't far for the teenagers to see. It was bright, large and definitely something you couldn't miss.

"Then lets go!" Jade says leading the way. She held her hand out for Dick, who reluctantly held it, so loosely in fact, it felt as if he dreaded the moment.
After a short walk full of giggles and jokes, the team walked in, through a drawn open curtain. The circular stands were huge, but of course Jade chose where they sat down. Very close to the front too.

Richard seemed to be the only person who wasn't happy. Even Connor has been lighting up! And he's Connor! Not saying connor is always a bother, but he is a lot of work. Megan is doing a fine job changing his whole look on things.

As the lights dimmed, the spotlights centered on the ringmaster at the center. Megan was so excited, she was almost shaking with her joy.

Jade couldn't enjoy a single minute of the event. She could see Dick's hand tap nervously on the wooden stands. He looked like he was struggling to enjoy even being near her. The cat decided to scoot closer to him. Hooking her arm with his, she leaned her head in his shoulder. His shaky breaths hitched for a moment, and slowed as she ran her fingers over the top of his hand. With grace, she picked up his slightly larger than, setting it on her own thigh. She rubbed small circles in the skin, Robin's attitude began to melt immediately.

Jade was something else. She was something that he couldn't get enough of. Selina had the same affect on Bruce, but Jade? Jade carried this innocence in her soul. The type that was new to affection, the type that was inexperienced but would jump in head first if it meant happily ever after. Her weakness wasn't the love in her heart, nor the soft soul she had. Anyone could see that Jade wasn't just a lovesick teenager. It was her ability to make anyone near her entranced, she wasn't afraid to risk it all. Her weakness in life, was allowing herself to bare it all to Robin. It was something that terrified her, the thrill and adrenaline terrorized her mind and body but she liked it. More importantly, she liked who was the cause.

Robin was stoic like his stepfather, his personality only visible to those he partially trusted. But that armor was infected by the very existence of Jade. Jade M. Kyle, who was basically a criminal before they met. It was scary how quick Bruce was willing to rehabilitate her and keep her in line. Bruce was always one to make sure justice was there and everyone paid their price. So what was the reason? Selina? Or something more? No matter what it was, Richard Grayson was thankful. She was a blessing and at times he felt undeserving of it.

The smell of her hair and the warmth of her body brought him out of his trance. The smile crept onto his lips, he gripped her hand and leaned into her body. She was his, maybe not forever, maybe not tomorrow but tonight? She belonged to him.

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