Chapter 12: "Why do you love me?"

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All day and all night, Y/N thinks about those love poems that her beloved writes. Most people find it cheesy or cliché when their lover pours their unspoken passion and love into written words, but not for Y/N. She thought it was sweet and even adorable for even though he cannot express his loves upfront, he still makes up for it in his own little ways.

~Time Skip~

After getting up and ready for another boring day at school, she opens her door to see Tsukki shyly waiting for her. She looked up at him, his cheeks were bright red and his eyes averted to the ground.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Y/N questions as she has never seen him in this state before.

"I... wanted to walk yo to school, just because." He finally answers after contemplating for a few seconds.

Y/N's eyes widen from shock as these moments rarely happen. She grabbed her things, locked her front door and grabs his hand. This seemed to have caught him off guard because he jumped a little. They walk all the way to school and had a nice chat as they walked, holding hands.

"I've been meaning to ask you something for a while. Why do... Nevermind." Y/N heard him sigh, seeming more shy than before.

"Why do I what? Tell me." Y/N insisted, nudging his arm a little.

"Why do you love me?" He whispers but she hears it anyway.

"That's a bit of a difficult question because I love you for many reasons. You'll have to wait until after school for my answer though." She chuckles, seeing as how Tsukishima did not realize that they have arrived at their desination.

~Tsukishima's POV~

All day, throughout class, he thinks about his lover. 'What could her answer be?', 'Did she find the question weird?', 'Maybe I shouldn't have asked.' These thoughts rush around his mind. He was overthinking everything, he was impatient for the day to end just to get an answer.

~Narrator POV~

It's the end of the day and Tsukishima is nervous out of his mind. He waits for Y/N outside and he doesn't say a word to her.

"Were you waiting for me?" She asks him with a piercing gaze which he tried to avoid.

He nods his head, indicating that he was indeed waiting.

She lets out a light chuckle and questions him once more. "Are you ready for my answer?"

He then nods again.

"It's because you genuinely care. I really love that about you."

His eyes widen and his cheeks tinted with pink. He puts his arm around her shoulders and starts walking with her.

"You really got into my head with all that suspense, you know?" He sighs.

"Did I? I'm sorry for that hehe" She giggles, seeming amused by his reaction.

"I should take you out on a date some time.." He mumbles, leaving her at her porch.

She didn't seem to notice that they had arrived so quickly for it only felt like a couple seconds to her.


Jesus Christ I am so sorry everyone, I'm currently braindead and I have tests this week so pray I don't die /hj

I love all of you very much and have a great day/night ahead of ya!

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