Chapter 3: Y/N's Ex

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The next morning, Y/N wkke up with red cheeks because of a specific dream she had.
She remembered it all in vivid detail, except for the beginning.

"UGH! Who was it that I dreamt of last night? Ugh! Who?!"

She walks around in circles in her room for a while before finally getting ready for school.

As she was walking down the sidewalk, a familiar voice startled her.

"Good morning, Shorty."

In an instant, she recognized the voice. She turned around to see if she was right. She, then saw a tall, handsome man with blonde hair and black glasses.

"Huh? I told you not to call me that! Besides, I'm not even THAT short!" She replied in a sort of, angry but happy voice.

"Ok, do you want me to call you 'cutie' instead?" He said in a flirtasious tone.

Y/N focused her eyes to the ground so that he couldn't see her flustered face.

"Awe, are you flustered?"

"No, my face is just red because of how much I wanna punch you righ now!"

Then, before they knew it, they were already at the gate of the school. All of a sudden, girls just popped out of nowhere and started gathering around Tsukki. They were all fighting over him and hugging him. Y/N wasn't surprised because she knew he was THAT popular.

"Bye, loser! Have fun dealing with those fangirls of yours!"


Y/N felt a mix of jealousy and guilt for leaving him there. So she went back tk try and det her "friend" back.

"Excuse me. Um excuse me please."

She tried to get to Tsukki and when she got there, she held his hand and dragged him away. His fangirls, however, did not let this opportunity slip through their fingertips. They chased them around campus, so they hid behind a trash can and stayed there until they realised how close they were to each other's faces.

"EEK!" Y/N shouted.

"Don't be so loud! They'll hear us."

He put his hand on Y/N's mouth to make sure she doesn't scream again. He felt her soft lips on the palm of his hand. He always wanted to touch her lips because of how soft they looked.

"Wow, it's soft. Just like how I imagined it to be." He thought.

On the other hand, Y/N thought of something far more different.

"Who does he think he is?! Putting his hand of my mouth to make sure I don't scream! But his hands are softer than I imagined it to be. No! Don't think that! Ugh, I hope those fangirls just leave already."

When he looked to see if the fangirls where gone, he lost his balance and fell on top of Y/N. He was lucky that he didn't kiss her by accident. His hand saved both of them from losing each other's first kiss.

"Get off of me!" She muffled.


"Let's just go, they're gone now."

They got up and went to class.

(Time skip)

Class was awkward because if what happened, and what made it even worse was that they were partnered for a project due next week.

"Let's just get this over with." She said

"We'll do it in the library."

(Time skip)

They went to the gym after finishing the project. When they got to the gym, someone whispered to Y/N's ear.

"Hey there, Y/N-chan. Did you miss me?"

Shivers went up the girl's spine. As she turned around to look tears filled her eyes.

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