Chapter 10: Y/N's Past

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Ever since Y/N was a young girl living in Tokyo, she already had a lot of admirers. She is a very petite and genuine girl. She is smart, funny, kind and humble. A lot of boys wanted to be her boyfriend, but sadly for them, she already had eyes for someone. He was Kuroo Tetsurou. Ever since they were twelve years old, they already had feelings for each other. They would constantly hang out and spend time together. While Kuroo was in the first year of high school, Y/N was in the second year of middle school. At this point, Y/N had even more admirers. She grew up from a cute girl to a beautiful goddess! Many guys would ask her out here and there 24/7. Though she had many handsome suitors, she would always turn them down because of her love for Kuroo. But even if she turned them down, they still wouldn't give up!* On her graduation day, Y/N got the first place again for five years in a row, so she wasn't too shocked. Kuroo, on the other hand, found out about it and decided to surprise her. He left Nekoma and visited Y/N at the graduation. Tears filled Y/N's eyes when she saw Kuroo, standing there, waving at her. She ran towards him and pounced on him. Because of her, Kuroo lost his balance and fell on the soft, green grass with Y/N on top of him. They stared at each other's eyes for a while before laughing. They stood up and sat on the bench.

"I heard you got first place again." He said proudly.

"Oh, I did! It's the fifth time I got first place!" She said, almost shouting from pride.

"Wow, you really are amazing!" Kuroo shouted.

Y/N motioned him to sit down and be quiet since there were many people around.

She laughed at Kuroo as he looked around to see so many people staring at them. He sat down quickly, right next to Y/N, who continued laughing. She overheard a woman say

"You two are so cute together!"

Y/N's cheery expression turned into a flustered look. She covered her face with her hands and started mumbling random words at an unhumane speed. Kuroo, on the other hand found it amusing. It's been so lomg since he'd seen her. He didn't want to waste time. He took her hands away from her face and looked into her eyes. They shined so bright that the stars looked like blunt dots on the sky.

"Y/N, I've loved you for so long now. I wanna be with you and cherish every moment with you. So, will you be my girlfriend?" He said, straightforwardly.


It has always been her dream to date him. And now its finally a reality. They left the park and headed into a restaurant for their first date. Y/N was alarmed since she has never been on a date before.

"So, what do you want to get?" Kuroo asked but he sounded sort of nervous.

"Hmm, I'll get F/F. What about you?" She replied.

"I'll just get the same thing."

When the waiter came, they stated their orders and began to wait. They sat there, chatting about what they wanna be in the future. Y/N had always dreamt of being a doctor since three of her cousins are military personell. They go to war and often get hurt. She was scared to death whenever they would battle but she knew in her heart that they would always come back. She wanted to be with them in case they got hurt and she wants to help them and many more people. When their orders arrived, they ate and they continued chatting.

"So, you wanna become a doctor? Well, that would be easy for you, considering the fact you're that smart." He said while laughing.

"Heh, but you're smarter than me." She replied.

When they finished eating, Kuroo insisted on paying. They left and he took her back to her house. She kissed his cheek as a goodnight and he went back home happily.

After a few months into their relationship, she decided to surprise Kuroo by visiting him at school. When she got there, her heart dropped. She saw him, but with another girl. They were kissing for what seemed like forever. She decided to text him as she hid behind a tree. She sat there and cried her eyes out.

      Baby, I'm here! SURPRISE!

She peeked out slowly to see what he would do. He checked his phone and his face was in shock. He quickly replied to her

Really?! That's good but I'm at practice

Really? I dont see the others here? All I see is you making out with another girl.

Kuroo looked around in shock. He was scared, really scared. When he saw Y/N, he ran towards her, with tears in his eyes. He saw Y/N crying and he tries to hug her but she pushed her away.

"I HATE YOU AND IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU! I LOVED YOU YET YOU CHEATED ON ME! Fuck this, I'm leaving." She said as she walked away.

She decided to cut off all contacts with him and made a promise to herself that she would never cry over a guy ever again.

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