Chapter 2: The Kiss

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In a split second, she released herself from his tight grip and ran as fast as she could and as far as her legs would take her.

She then she suddenly bumps into two guys. They both looked at her in awe.

"Sorry! I didn't look while I was running"

It looked as if they were about to cry. Suddenly, the bald guy spoke.

"Noya look! A cute yet hot girl bumped into us! This must be our lucky day!"

Then the short guy which seemed like a middle schooler shouted.

"Tanaka! Don't shout you might scare her!"

And so they kept on bickering.Y/N looked at them and giggled. They looked like an old couple fighting, she thought.

"Excuse me, but may I ask what are your names?", she said in a, somewhat, sing-song tone.

"I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke and this is Nishinoya Yuu, but you can call us Ryu and Noya!"

"Oh, my name's Y/N L/N but you can call me Y/N."

"So, why were you running earlier? You seemed like you were about to cry." Noya asked.

Then she suddenly remembered what happened.

"Say, do you guys know a tall, blonde boy? About 6 feet in height?"

They both gasped.

"Did he have black glasses?" Tanaka asked.


"Then you've encountered Tsukishima Kei, a first year." Noya added.

"What did he do?" Tanaka said in a rather, disappointed tone.

"Oh nothing, he just tried to roast me, but I roasted him back."

"You're so awesome and cool!" Noya shouted.

While recess was still ongoing, you hung out with Tanaka and Noya.

(Time skip)

As she was about to go to class, she saw Yachi sitting on her seat looking worried.

"Hey Yachi!"

"Y/N where did you go?! I was really worried!"

"I bumped into these two guys. They were really nice and a bit loud."

"They sound like the two guys we have at the volleyball club. They're Tanaka and Nishinoya!"

"Huh, what a coincidence, they were the guys I bumped into."

Y/N suddenly remembered about the application form but Yachi made sure that the application form was sent and verified.

Y/N sighed in relief.

(Time skip)

"Yachi, do you think the boys are going to like me as their new manager?"

"Of course!"

In a few minutes the two finally made it to the gym where all of the boys wore matching jackets. But one in particulare caught your eye.

"1, 2, 3! Welcome to the volleyball club L/N-san!"

After volleyball practice, you and Yachi were about to head home but as you were walking down the side walk, you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey there, shorty. Are you going home with your tiny friend here?"

Chills went up Y/N's spine but skmehow she had the courage to stand up to him once again.

"Look! You can call me names and tease me, but never disrespect my friend!"

"Chill out shorty, Yamaguchi and I just wanna walk you home together since it's dark out tonight. We figured you might get scared."

"Ugh, just leave us alone." She said.

And so Yamaguchi and Yachi went the same way but Tsukishima was still trailing her like a lost puppy.

Y/N look back at him with anger in her eyes. Tsukishima got the signal and waved at her. Suddenly a loud dog kept barking and barking.

"Eek! On second thought, Tsukishima can you walk me home?" Said Y/N.

"Hmmm, what about... no." Tsukishima said.

"But if you manage to kiss me, then... maybe I'll walk you home." He added.

With the dig still barking and Y/N's fear of them, she kissed him. As she backed away she saw Tsukishima's flushed look.

"I- I didn't think you'd have the guts to do it shorty." He said, still flushed.

"I guess I'll walk you home. But we're not even yet, shorty..." he said in a rather monotone voice.

(Time skip)

"Thanks for walking me home."

"W- whatever."

"Also, that flushed look on your face earlier, really suits you. Goodnight!" Y/N said in a very happy tone.

"The things you do to me, you cute little shorty." He said in a low voice.

"I heard that!" She said smiling.

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