𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐨[𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟]

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3rd POVScenario: Tamayo never got to feel the sunshine but her lover can replicate it just fine!
Requested by: Unkown user

Tamayo for all the years she has been alive has always wished to do one thing. Walk in the sun with her current lover. He was so sweet and understanding. Even Yushiro felt like he was good enough for her.

But she always felt a little down knowing she couldn't experience regular dates or fun things to do with him without it being evening. But by then he would be too tired or the time would be ruined.
Tamayo sighed again while cleaning a vile. She looked even sadder now. The sun was shining bright in the sky and she would have to go to sleep soon.

[Name] noticed how his lover was being very negative lately. That was Yushiro's job after all. But he could tell when Tamayo was down. The scientist was great at hiding any signs of emotion due to some aspects of demons being void. But he knew in her pale violet eyes, she was saddened by something.

[name] huffed and made a promise to find out what it was! 
For his Tamayo!

Days went by and he had nothing. She was still herself and acted regularly. But something was eating away at his soul about it. "Tamayo? My dear?" He was walking around the house looking for her and whatever she could be doing at the moment. "In here my love." her voice called.

Following the voice [Name] followed it to the room where she usually has a cup of tea and looks out the window at night. But the window was going to have to close soon due to the sun coming up.

"My love, you look as if something is troubling you? Has Yushiro annoyed you or caused some trouble? If so please tell me and I will-"

"What is bothering you, Tamayo?" He interrupted her statement with a broad question. The question in theory was simple but held too many answers to it.
'The fact Muzan was still alive.'
'The fact she hasn't turned Nezuko into a human.'
'The twelve Kizuki.'

Some many answers to a simple question.

"Nothing is wrong [Name]. I'm just feeling a little sad for nostalgia is all." She gave him a small smile and continued to drink her infused tea. [Name] glanced towards the window to see the sun would rise soon. The town in Tokyo was coming to life. Workers heading to work and demons running away from the sun's light.

So many things he felt were out of place in this world but to him and Yushiro, Tamayo made sense in all the chaos. So he felt the need to return it. If she won't say directly what was wrong then he would have to take a scientifically educated guess! (Infer)

"Get good rest, my love. The sun is coming up soon. I will see you later." He kissed her lips and got ready for his inference idea. Tamayo noticed how his step now had some spunk. Her lips curved into a small smile as her lover was being mischievous about something. Maybe something good.

She closed the window, but the window won't ever be closed.

[Name] was running around Tokyo on his bike to find all the things he needed. He needed to get:
Pigs blood (the closest thing to human blood she likes).
Flowers (Lillies to be precise)
Fabric ( gift)
Hairpins ( gift).

But he needed a specific thing mostly. So he needed to head to see an old friend of his.  The man was going to make this possible for her. He made that promise for his sweet demon lover. He arrived at the place just in time. Shouting for his younger brother:
"Hotaru! I need some scraps!"

Hotaru looked at his older brother, he pulled his mask down and gave him a small smile and wave. Family is family.

"Fine, what do you want?" Hotaru placed his mask back onto his face whilst his brother explains what parts he needs to build the contraption.

"That's it? Just metal scraps and some thin metallic?" [Name] smiled and nodded. (Hair color) (texture) hair jumped with him as he beamed in excitement. This was going to be one hell of a gift. Hotaru gave him the parts nonetheless and allowed him to forge what he needed to make.

[Name] got to work. Forging the metal and using the fabric he bought to make it!

"An umbrella?" Tamayo inspected the gift. She already had one. Well, this was a parasol more than an umbrella. "But what is this for [Name] deary?"

[Name's] smile couldn't have gotten any bigger than it would ever. He picked up the parasol and opened it out to her. The hood flipped open showing the metallic sheet. "This parasol is different! The metallic plated inside help regulate the airflow from the middle fabric layer. Inside there are mirrors to reflect light away from the umbrella. Creating the perfect amount of shade for you! You can walk in the sun with this!"

He held it out to her after explaining, Tamayo took the umbrella and inspected it further. He was correct, no amount of light would get through the fabric layers and thing metal. Not to mention the weight wasn't too heavy. "What do you think? We can do to a shady park to test it out! Only if you want to."

Tamayo smiled as a few tears rolled down the apple of her cheeks. [Name] panicked and thought she was upset but rather it was the opposite. "Thank you, my love. You truly are a gift from the heavens. I do not know how I was so lucky to have you."

Tamayo came close and gave him a hug and kisses all over his face. Her smile grew wider as he laughed more and more. Such a joyous laugh she adored! She collected her shoes and tied her hair back into her signature bun.

He held her hand as he opened the door. The porch had some bits of sun. But the parasol was large enough to create a shadow all around her body. No light was touching her. He held her close next to his body. She was a demon walking in the sun with her human lover.

The two enjoyed talking and looking at the people and shops selling amazing things. But their destination is the park. Tamayo was having a joy of a time. She could see the sun but not feel the danger of it.

The park was in close perimeters and the second surprise was close too. Under a large tree and umbrella again, was a picnic with gifts! [Name] would have to thank his brother for watching the surprise and helping with the umbrellas.

"I want you to embrace life, my sweet Tamayo! Just because the sun is here doesn't mean we all can't experience these sunny day activities. Even if it's small things like this I want you to feel as human as possible."

Tamayo leaned up to kiss his forehead ad thank him for the hundredth time that day. The two sat in the heavily headed area and enjoyed their picnic and gifts. Tamayo had the new fabric for her clothes and new hairpins.

The two laughed and enjoyed these sunny days. Even with a little shade.

Thanks for reading! Also, welcome back! Byebye!

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