4. Isolation

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Evie pov:
Mal looked at me after we had this whole thing with the living knights.
"Okay, while the boys are going to look for Ben, Uma, Celia and I are going to look in Audrey's dorm. You have to return to your cottage. You're practically trembling because of the fact you didn't eat." Mal said and Carlos looked at her.
"I'll stay with Evie."
"Ben's most likely turned into a beast form. You're good with animals so you're coming with us." Jay said.
"I'm not just going to sit on the sidelines." I said and Harry sighed.
"Look, I'll stay with Blueberry." he said and no one argued with him.
"Guys, I don't need a babysitter. And definitely not Harry. I'm fine and I will not just sit on the sidelines like a child!"
"Then maybe not act like one and eat, hm?" Uma snapped and Mal sighed.
"Look, I love you E... But you got to trust us right now. We don't want anything to go wrong."
"Besides, you were lucky that Gil grabbed your arm. Otherwise you would've drowned by now because you passed out like that!" Carlos said.
"Boys, go find Ben. Uma, Celia and I look at Audrey's dorm." Mal said and Harry looked at Evie.
"Come on, where's this cottage of yours?" he asked as the other five left.
Celia didn't say a thing at all.
Evie sighed.
"Down by the forest."
She started trembling again and Harry put his hand on her back, in case she'd pass out; he could catch her easier.

Carlos pov:
I was worried about Evie and despite the fact that Harry meant well... It still didn't give me a good feeling.
"I smell Ben, follow me!" Dude said and Gil looked at my dog.
"He can talk?"
"Yea, cool huh?" Jay said and we followed Dude.

Mal pov:
The three of us were in Audrey's dorm and Uma was reading Audrey's diary.
Celia was looking at the jewellery and I walked around the dorm.
"Well, you screwed up Audrey's life." Uma said to me and I looked at her.
"Anything else which is less obvious which you found?"

Harry pov:
Evie was pale once we arrived at this small cottage by the edge of the forest.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm fine." Evie said and we entered the cottage.
"Maybe you should sit down for a moment." I said and Evie looked at me.
"You don't have to pretend to care about me. I'm fine and I don't need your concerns!"
"I know. What you do need is food."
"Too bad I got nothing in here."
I saw a fridge in the kitchen (there were no doors inside of the cottage) and I looked at Evie.
"If I find food in thst fridge, you'll eat what I find. Or are you going to admit you just don't want any?"
"Screw you..." Evie said with a trembling voice and I made her sit down on her little couch.
"Listen to me, okay? I saw my older sister starve herself. I can't let that happen to anyone else. Do you know why? Because you won't just drag yourself down, no. You'll drag Carlos right down with you."
Evie looked away from me and I turned her face to me with my hand, gently.
"Evie, Carlos might have Jay and Mal but trust me. He probably needs you more then anyone. More then you need him."
"How would you know?"
"Because I needed Harriette more then anyone. She died and I had no one. Cj was too young and I only met Gil and Uma after Harriette's death. Those two basically saved my life and you can't destroy your own life; kowing you'd emotionally and eventually literally kill Carlos too." I said and Evie had tears in her eyes.
"I don't want to hurt him..." she said softly and I looked at her.
"Then you got to start eating... Even if you start with small amounts... You need to eat something..."
"I can't..." Evie nearly sobbed and I looked at her.
"Yes you can. You can, alright... Just a small amount..." I said softly.
She looked at me and I got up.
"I'll be right back, okay?"
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed something small for Evie to eat.
"Harry I'm going to be sick..." she said and she gagged just from seeing the food.
"Evie, it's just grapes."
"Harry, don't make me..." she practically begged and I sighed.
"I'm not making you do anything... I'm just asking you... Just try to eat, okay?"
Evie shoke her head with tears in her eyes.
"I can't..."
"Yes you can, Evie..." I said and tears rolled down Evie her cheeks.
"No..." she said softly.

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