5. Come on...

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Harry pov:
Evie had tears rolling down her cheeks and I looked at her.
"Hey... No need to cry now... Calm down..." I said as I sat down next to her, gently rubbing her back.
"I can't eat Harry... I just can't..." she sobbed softly.
"They try to explain alright? I know why it happened with my sister, but what caused it with you?" I asked softly and Evie took a deep breath.
"Carlos thinks it's because of a bunch of AK girls..."
"So it's something else?"
"When I was a kid, I was... not exactly the same way as I am now. I was actually a fat kid-"
"I don't believe that."
"Well it's true. My mom always said that the prettiest girl were the skinniest. So... I started to eat less on the isle... I ate less when we came to Auradon... And I stopped eating since a few months ago..."
"Well Carlos certainly got you to eat a little bit. Otherwise you wouldn't be alive anymore."
"Most of it was being puked out after a couple hours..."
"Here. Even if it's just one grape. It would be something..." I said softly and Evie her hand was trembling as she took it.
"I can't Harry..."
"Yes you can..."
She did eat it and I looked at her.
"I'm proud of you and so will Carlos be once he hears you ate it."
Evie scoffed a little with a small smile and I looked at her.
"It wasn't that bad now, huh?"
"If you're trying to make me eat more, hell nah." Evie said and I looked at her.
"Fine, but at least you ate something."
Evie whimpered softly and I looked at her.
"Hey, it's alright... small steps, okay?"
She looked at me and I saw she was about to cry again...
Oh I'm so not made for emotional support...

Carlos pov:
Okay so Ben was indeed turned into a beast and he growled at us.
"Ben relax, it's us!" Jay yelled.
"That's king Ben?!" Gil exclaimed and I took a deep breath.
Ben growled and flinched as he hit his paw to something.
"He has a boo boo... Aww that's sad... My dad said that his dad couldn't handle pain, at all." Gil said and Jay looked at me.
"You're the animal guy, help him."
"Ben, it's me alright? You helped me with dude... Now let me help you..." I said as I carefully stepped closer to Ben.
"Give me your paw, okay?" he asked softly and he held out his hand.
Ben hesitated and growled loudly as I yanked the little splinter out of the paw.
"There you go!" I said with a smile and Jane appeared out of nowhere, splashing Ben with water from the enchanted lake.
Ben was mostly human again, besides the fangs and he sighed.
"What the...?"
"It's alright man." Gil said and Ben jumped as he saw Gil.
"Oh who's side is he?" Ben asked.
"He's on our side. Details will follow." Jay said.
"He and Harry escaped from the isle when Mal went to get Hades his ember." I said.
"Mal went to the isle?!" Ben exclaimed.
"Details will follow!"
"Yea, we're meeting up with Mal, Uma-" Jay said.
"Details will follow!" Gil said and I sighed.
"Let's just head back, hopefully Harry managed to keep Evie from passing out."
"What is going on with Evie and Harry?!"
"DETAILS WILL FOLLOW!" Jay, Jane, Gil and I yelled and Ben kept his mouth shut.

Mal pov:
So the fairy house in the forest would be a good place to start looking.
"Okay, how do I look?" Celia asked and she had tons of Audrey's jewellery on.
"Okay, the bming stays here." I said.
"But she's bad."
"And we're not."
Uma flipped through some other pages and chuckled.
"Someone had a funy dream about beasty boy."
"Oh hell- Put that diary away!" I said.
"Just, listen to this. 'His touch oh so pure, I kenw it wasn't real... sadly enough but I couldn't resist as he kept going.' She just had a full sexdream about your boyfriend!" Uma laughed and I snatched the diary out of her hands, throwing it on Audrey's desk.
"Yea, let's just go back to Evie's cottage where she is with Harry." I snapped and we left Audrey's dorm.

Evie pov:
I burst again and Harry sighed softly.
"Alright... Calm down, please..." he said as he was actually trying to comfort me.
"You can't make me..." I said with bloodshot eyes.
"I'm not making you do anything."
"Yes you are! You're trying to manipulate me to eat!" I snapped and Harry sighed.
"Evie, for once I'm trying to help... alright?"
"I know but you can't. Otherwise your sister would be alive to."
But I felt so guitly when the words came out of ny mouth.
I turned to Harry, guilt and regret all over my face and I saw he was hurt.
"I tried my best for her..." he said softly as he stood up and walked to a different room.
"Why did I say that...?" I mumbled softly, I regretted mentioning Harriette like that so much...

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