12. F-R-I-E-N-D-S...

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Evie pov:
I sighed and looked at Carlos.
"I can't... I'm sorry..." I said softly.
"Wait... what?" Carlos said, he was hurt and I knew it.
"I don't want you to be hurting because of my issues. I... I'm only dragging you down with me."
"No, no, you're not- I- We can work it out..."
"Please... Carlos..." I mumbled and tears burned behind my eyes as they welled up in his.
"Evie, we can do tis together... We can work it out and-"
"Please... Just go Carlos..."
"Evie I- Please..."
"Just go!" I said and a tear escaped from Carlos his eye.
"What if I don't want to leave you?" he asked softly.
"You should... I'm only going to keep hurt you and to drag you down because of ym mess and I... I don't want that." I said and a few more tears rolled down Carlos his cheeks.
"And I don't want to lose you..." he mumbled.

Harry pov:
Mal looked at me.
"Just... don't give up on Uma..."
"So you want me to get killed?"
"I use the power from above, to send you to the girl you love."

And I was suddenly on Uma's ship.
She saw me and drew her sword.
"I thought I warned you!" she snarled.
"Uma please listen!" I said but her sword stabbed into my stomach.
I gasped and blood started to drip from my mouth.
"Bye Harry..." Gil said softly and on a childish tone.
Uma pushed me into the sea and I became one with the water...

Carlos pov:
I looked at Evie.
"I don't want to lose you..." I mumbled.
"You would anyway. I can't eat, I'd starve and yiu'd lose me regardless. Now go away! And live your life!"
"You are my life!"
"No... I'd be your death... Go away Carlos, please..." Evie begged and I ran off with tears in my eyes.

A bit of a cruel and sad ending.
I'm not sorry.

F-R-I-E-N-D-S... we're not just friends (Carvie) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now