8. Oh boy...

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Harry pov:
I sighed as I heared Evie throwing up in her toilet.
"Are you okay?" I asked outside the door.
"Yea sure, I'm throwing up for fun. What do you think?!" she snapped.
"I hate you."
"Well if you used your brain you would now be with Carlos."
"Oh go to hell!"
"Y'know I'd almost thing someone's moddy because of something else..." I said and Evie yanked the door open.
"Like what?"
"Are you pregnant or something?"
"What, no- Oh shit..."
"So you and Carlos did have fun huh?"
"None of your business!" Evie said as she marched to her bedroom, returning to the toilet with a pregnancytest.
I was secretly hoping she was pregnant, because she didn't only have to eat for herself, but also for the little one inside of her.

A little fast forward to the moment where Audrey already has been defeated.

Everyone returned and Carlos looked at Evie.
"Hey! How are you?"
I walked away from those two and Gil looked at me.
"I was turned to stone!" he said with a proud face facepalmed herself.
"That's not something to be proud of Gil..."
"Let him be." I said and Uma grinned.
"Evie!" Dizzy said and the Smee twins stood in the doorframe.
Right, those three woke up too...
"So I assume Audrey has been defeated." I said.
"Yea... About that... Audrey is kinda... dead." Mal said and Evie looked at her.
"What did you do?"
"The plan worked... But my father was right, the amber didn't work like it would work with him..." Mal mumbled.
"Holy shit." I said.
"Eh... Evie?" Carlos his voice said and everyone turned to him, seeing him with Evie's pregnancy test in his hands.
"Oh crap!" Evie said and she snatched it from his hands.
"You're pregnant...?" Carlos mumbled.
"Maybe we should come back later..." Jay said and the rest of us left.

Carlos pov:
"You're pregnant...?" I repeated and Evie looked at me.
"I just found out... I swear..."
"You did a pregnancy test when tou were alone with Harry...?"
"God- Carlos, I know it seems bad but just let me explain!"
"Okay... Go for it." I said as I crossed my arms.
"Harry said that I was acting moody and he said it was more then average and-"
"Evie, breathe." I said and I took Evie's hands in mine.
"You honestly thought that I'd think you and Harry would... y'know...?"
"Well, you were pissed that I asked if Harry could stay instead of you..."
"I was at first, but I understood later on..."
Evie hugged me and I looked at her.
"You do know what this means right...?"
"Yes, I know... I have to start eating properly again in order to keep the little on alive."
"I was going to say that we'd actually become parents but yea, you're right too."
"I'm scared to fail Carlos... With the eating..." Evie said and she had tears in her eyes.
"Hey... It's okay, I'll help. Everyone will help! I'm sure of it." I said and it cracked a smile out of Evie.
"I do need to tell you something..."
"Okay, what is it...?"
"There was this teeny tiny moment- which didn't mean anything -where Harry and I..."
"Evie...?" I said with suspicion.
"We kissed. But we both jerked away immediately!" Evie exclaimed and I scoffed.
"I knew it! Harry, the flirt of the isle, just had to kiss my girlfriend. Let me guess, you're in love with him now?"
"What? No! I love you Carlos, that's why I had to tell you the truth!"

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