Shine (Aoi and Kyoko, Danganronpa)

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Pairing: Asahina Aoi x Kirigiri Kyoko

Kirigiri is staring in the mirror again.

She reaches up and traces the pronounced veins surrounding her bloodshot eye with a gloved hand and sighs. Why does every aspect of her body have to be so deformed and gross? Burned hands and nasty effects of the Future Foundation Killing Game poison on her face all the way down to the tips of her left hand.

Usually, such trivial matters would be of no concern to her; she's already landed a beautiful, suitable mate, and her intelligence is beyond average, so it shouldn't matter to her or anyone else thinks. But who knows why it's bugging her so much today? It must be hormones or something.

She reaches up and pulls the chopsticks out of her bun, letting her wavy lavender hair tumble down her back. She leans forward slightly, allowing a good chunk of her hair to fall into her face, covering up the majority of her insecurity.

Maybe she could use bobby pins to make it look like this all of the time.

Suddenly, Kirigiri feels two muscular arms snake around her waist, pulling her backward. "I miss seeing you with your hair down." They mumble.

"Aoi. . ."

"It's so long and pretty; I don't know why you hide it," Hina murmurs.

Kirigiri sighs. "It seems unprofessional to have it all down and free and in the way."

"Okay, well, we're at work-"

"Albeit on break."

"So why is it down?"

". . ."


"Fine. . .I was feeling insecure about my eye and the marking on my face."

Hina frowns, pulling away and twirling Kirigiri around, so they're now face to face. "Kyoko, you're so beautiful. You shouldn't hide it away. . .instead, you need to let it shine!"

She dramatically whisks the hair out of Kirigiri's face. "You have shinning personality, shining skill, and shinning beauty! No one thinks any less of you because of your hands or your face, you know. No one thinks anything less of you because of it. And I wouldn't dare let them anyway."

". . .Still."

Hina takes her wife's hands in hers. "Kyoko, you gave up everything for us. You saved us. Your face doesn't make you ugly or gross or weird. They're like. . .battle scars! And you should wear them proud, you know?"

"Proud?" Kirigiri laughs bitterly, "My dearest Hina, I'm hideous. I appreciate the sentiment, but that's just the way it is."

Hina shakes her head. "Love, relax. Beauty is the eye of the beholder. You're Kirigiri fucking Kyoko! Come on!" She insists.

Kirigiri's eyes narrow. "I. . .Logically speaking, I suppose you have a point. Even so, I-"

Asahina covers the other's mouth. "Nope. No more. Repeat after me, okay?"

Kirigiri nods once.

"I'm Kirigiri fucking Kyoko."

"My name is Kirigiri Kyoko."

"I'm a badass woman who greatly assisted in saving the world and Makoto's ass on multiple occasions."

"I am a. . .badass woman who greatly assisted in saving the world and Makoto on multiple occasions."

"I know I am beautiful, inside and out."

". . .I know I am beautiful, inside and out."

"I shine."

"I shine."

Asahina grins, pushing the hair out of Kirigiri's face. "Good job," She kisses her nose, "See, was that so hard?"

"I suppose not. But still-"

The brunette covers the other's mouth. "Nope. You're not allowed to talk unless you're saying something nice, understand?"

Kirigiri nods slowly.

"Good." Hina moves her hand.

"You're a very kind soul, Aoi. Thank you for all you do for me." She steps forward and gives her a chaste kiss.

"Don't thank me for something that I should be doing anyway," The brunette replies, finger-combing Kirigiri's hair and making sure it's entirely out of her face, "There you go. Now back to work, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." Kirigiri smiles and brushes past her and makes her way out of the room.

Hina sighs and looks at herself in the mirror.

"Man, I hate my shoulders." She mutters.

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