Feathers (Rachel and Chloe, LIS Before The Storm)

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   Pairing: Rachel Amber x Chloe Price

   "So, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

   "That's not funny."

   "Does every time a bell ri-"


   The angel tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder, pinching the bridge of her nose. For the past forty-five minutes, her human Chloe had been asking about a million questions about guardian angels or just angels and general, and it's starting to annoy Rachel.

   "Hey," Chloe calls from the bed, "How come I've never seen your wings? Like, do you even have any?"

   Rachel sighs, turning to face her. "I do. I've just never shown them to you because they're not that important."

   The blue-haired girl's eyes widen. "Really? Can I see?"

   She groans. "There's nothing to see. They're just a big, feathery mess. Nothing interesting about them."

   "Feathers, you say? Well, now I must see them so I can pet them." 

   "What? No, that's weird!"

   "Please!" Chloe pleads, getting off of the bed and walking over to her, "Oh, please, Rachel, please, please, please? I swear I'll never ask you for anything ever again!"

   "That's a lie."


   "Absolutely not."

   "Please, please, please, please, please!"

   "Ugh, fine! If it'll get you to be quiet, then fine!"

   Suddenly, there is a brilliant flash of white, and Rachel is looking away, embarrassed as two beautiful feathery wings, about five or six feet long each, float from her back. Chloe's eyes widen in awe as she starts to reach out, hesitating and looking to Rachel for confirmation.

   She nods. 

   Chloe gently touches a wing, running her fingers along the soft, fluffy surface. Rachel continues to blush, refusing to make eye contact. 

   "You're so beautiful," Chloe whispers.

   "Shut up; I am not."

   "No, really. If you were a human, I would've dated you so hard."

   "That's. . .very kind of you to say."

   "I love how much you're blushing."

   "Shut up!"

   She uses both hands to touch both wings at once, smiling at Rachel. Rachel finally looks into her eyes and exhales slowly.

   "Seriously, Rach, you're awesome. Everything about you is. . .out of this world, like. . .holy shit."

   "Alright, alright, I get it. Can I put them away now?"

   "Absolutely not. I'm nowhere near done examining them."

   "Can I at least sit down then?"

   "Yeah. But I'm not going to stop petting them."


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