Seven Deadly Sins Story

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The young girl sipped her drink while reading her book, wich happened to be a book Gowther had read before, and quite enjoyed. ,,So she likes that book too?" He said to himself, sitting at the bar. ,,Seems so. Why don't ya go and talk to her? You got a pretty good topic." The blonde captain encouraged him while cleaning some mugs while Angela cleaned the plates. ,,Yeah Gowther, she seems nice. Why don't you go and introduce yourself? I'm sure she would like to talk about the book with you." The ravenette smiled at him. Angelica was always very kind and motherly to everyone, even to the ones who wher adults. She always managed to get others motivated or calmed down, cheered up when they wher sad and was there when they needed someone to talk to. She always listened when Gowther would tell her about a book he read, and she always paid attention. She helped them with problems and answered any question she could. She was like a mother to all of them and they all loved having her. So, with Angela's encouragement he nodded and went up to the girl. Her hair reached to the middle of her back and faded from a cherry blossom pink to a china pink at the tips. Her eyes wher a burnt umber color. She wore a black shirt with a white jacket, her pants skintight and jet gray. Her feet wher clad by chestnut brown boots. In her hand was a blue and white striped cup with a mathching straw. She took a sip every now and then while reading her book, wich was floating infront of her.
~~~~~~~~~Timeskip cuz lazy~~~~~~~~
Amber waved at Gowther as she floated out of the boar hat, with a closed eye smile. He returned the wave with a small smile on his face, sitting at the bar where he had sat earlier that day. ,,So, how did it go? It looked like you two had fun. What's her name?" Angela came to his side. ,,Her name is Amber. And yes, I do think we had fun. She has read a lot of the same books that I have and we could talk about them. She said she's coming back tomorrow." Angela smiled, being happy that Gowther had made a friend on his own. ,,Well, that's nice, isn't it? I'm glad you made a friend. You should go to bed now, you've been up since the break of dawn. You should be well rested when she comes back tomorrow." The woman ruffled his hair, before helping Diane and Elizabeth clean up, since the bar had closed. The doll nodded and went up to his room, eventhough he technically didn't need sleep, he still slept anyway, since he wanted the next day to arrive as fast as possible.
~~~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~~
Gowther woke up to the break of dawn once more, put on his clothes and walked down the stairs. He sat at the bar for what seemed to be an hour, before Ban and Angela came down, as they always made breakfast for everyone. ,,Gowther, did you stay up all night?" ,,Good morning, no, I didn't but I have been up for approximately an hour now." ,,Geez, what's got ya up so early? If I could I'd sleep all day." Ban yawned and stretched, heading into the kitchen. ,,He met a girl yesterday, and she said she'd be back today. Is that why you woke up so early?" The doll nodded, while Ban peeked out the Kitchen door. ,,What? Gowther and a Girl? Ya finally got yourself a girlfriend or something?" The fox sin snickered. ,,No, we are not in a relationship. We just met yesterday and I am simply waiting for her to arrive." ,,Whatever ya say, buddy." Ban smirked while putting on his apron. After the others woke up, ate breakfast together and officially opened up the tavern, it didn't take long for the first patrons to arrive. And soon enough, Amber floated inside the tavern. When she spotted Gowther, she approached him at the bar and sat down next to him.
,,Why hello there! You must be Amber, right? I'm Angelica, but you can call me Angela." Both women shook hands. ,,Yes, I am. Nice to meet you! I really like it here, it has such a homely feel to it."

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