Black Butler Story

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,,I can't wait for you to meet Ciel! I know you'll get along greatly!" Lizzy squealed with her high-pitched voice. She had met a french noble girl at an international Gala, who she immediately befriended. She had returned to England to visit Elizabeth, who invited her to meet her fiancee, Ciel Phantomhive, who she had told her alot about. Amber Bertrand, the only daughter of the Bertrand family, smiled seeing her friends excitement. ,,I'm certain that he's nice. I can't wait." She looked out of the carriage window, seeing the Mansion slowly approaching. It was grand and beautiful, like a palace. She had only seen little mansions like that in her own country, starting in awe at the Phantomhive mansion. The carriage ratteled a little, traveling across the road. The clapping of the horses hooves repeating over and over. Amber fiddeled with the locket around her neck, a gift from her mother. Next to the girl sat her maid, Sabrina Willows, sitting neatly with a small smile on her lips. ,,If i may ask, lady Elizabeth, what is the reason behind your wil for lady Amber to meet Earl Phantomhive?" The lavender haired maid asked. ,,Well, i simply feel like they would get along well! And i want her to meet him, so she can be my maid of honour when we get married!" The blonde clapped her hands, smiling wide. Amber chuckeled lightly. ,,Lizzy, you will probably have forgotten me by then, so don't set your hopes too high" ,,Nonsense! We will remain friends for eternity! And I'll surely find you a nice noble to marry too, maybe even a double wedding!" ,,It seems we have arrived, I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but we must make our way out the carriage" Sabrina exited the horse driven vehicle and helped the girls exit aswell. Amber looked up and down the mansion, enraptured by it's beauty. ,,Welcome to the Phantomhive mansion. My name is Sebastian Michaelis, the Butler of the young Earl. Pleased to make your aquaintance. You must be lady Amber who lady Elizabeth has told us so much about. Here, allow me to take you inside our estate" The butler reached out his hand for the young lady to take. She took it and followed the butler inside. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the inside decoration of the estate. Everything was clean, decorated and in top shape. ,,Welcome to the Phantomhive estate, I am earl Ciel Phantomhive, please make yourself at home." The earl said from atop the stairs. ,,Ciel! Oh how much I missed you, I'm so happy that you allowed me to bring over my friend Amber!" Elizabeth jumped at Ciel and flung her arms around the earl, him lightly toppling over. ,,Of course, you had told me all about her, that I couldn't wait to finally meet her" He pried the blond off himself, trying to maintain his serious character. ,,Thank you for having me, earl Phantomhive. My name is Amber Bertrand, and this is my maid Sabrina Willows. Very pleased to make your aquaintance. I'll be looking forward to my time spent here" Sabrina and Amber bowed before the earl. ,,Allow me to show you where you will be staying, lady Amber." Sebastian took the girl to her room, storing her belongings in their respective compartments. ,,I will take my leave, if there is anything you need, do not be afraid to call me, eventgough I am sure that Sabrina will be able to fulfill the task too." He said as he closed the door. They had arrived at the manor late, so it was already night, just after dinner. Amber decided to step onto the balcony, looking up at the stars. ,,Mi'lady, you will get sick if you stay in the cold too long." Sabrina draped a blanket over her masters shoulders, earning a nod from Amber. ,,If I may know, why are you out here? It's not like you to just go outside in the middle of the night, mi'lady. Is something troubling you?" Amber enhaled the cold evening air deeply, looking at the stars.,,I'm just wondering what Stacy is up to. I hope she is okay. I'm also still pretty shaken up from Lizzy's behaviour. She can be so energetic at times." Amber gave out a little laugh. What she had said was not really the truth, but also not really wrong. She had gotten used to her friends energy, but she was more concerned about the earl. ,,I know you're not really thinking about that, mi'lady. You know you can tell me anything." Sabrina was always concerned about her master, no matter what. She could not even begin to think about what she would do if something wher to happen to her master. ,,I'm concerned about Lizzy's relationship with the Earl. She really loves him, and I don't want her to think that I'm just using her to get closer to him. All in all, I just don't want her to find out about my, or well, my family's relationship with the Phantomhive's. I don't want to lose such a good friendship."

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