Another another BNHA Story

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Koha quickly hopped out of the alley. ,,And?" The hero asked. ,,He got away" She said, her back still turned to him. ,,Tsk. Useless." Kohas eyes widened, so did Dabis. ,,I thought you'd be useful, since you're my daughter." She klenched her fist. Dabi gave a soft 'Koha'. ,,Looks like you're just as useless as Touya. No wonder you're related." ,,If we're both useless, isn't it your fault then? You're our dad." This made the heros eyes widen. ,,What did you just say?" Koha had enough. ,,Dabi. Get kurogiri" Both men gave a 'huh?'. ,,Who are you talking to?" ,,Dabi. Get. Kurogiri. If this man says a word more I'll snap." ,,You said he was gone! You lying bi-" with this Kohana snapped. She threw a ball of fire at Endeavor, something she had learned from Dabi. It nearly hit. The others saw and came rushing to see what was happening. They saw Koha and Endeavor. Then, Kurogiris mist. Koha turned toward Kurogiri, then threw another ball of fire, this one working as some kind of smoke screen, blocking the heroes' view. ,,You're lucky we're not alone. Next time you're done for old man!" She shouted, before both the 'smoke' and her dissapeared.

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