Chapter 21

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Art awoke at 4 a.m. like he'd awakened from a hundred year slumber, eyes wide open, his mind with a clarity he may never before have experienced. He reached out his hand and tapped David urgently on her back. She slept on her stomach, her arms folded under her pillow. "David!" he whispered harshly. "David, wake up."

David made a small noise, a sleep noise, so Art rustled her again until she made a disgruntled awake noise of one being aroused at 4 a.m.

"I have an idea," he spoke.


"You remember what Mrs. Pritchard said last night?"


"About not wanting to spend her life behind a secretary desk?"


"I don't want to do that either."

"You're not a secretary."

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life behind a purchasing desk. I want to make a difference. I want to go to war."

David sat up sleepily, stretched her arms above her head. "There's no war to go to, love. Besides, you're too old. They'd never take you."

"Not literally. But, man, I'm going to do something. Something to help other people."

"Help them do what?"

"Help them, I don't know, help them connect to one another, like you've helped me."

"Oh, that's lovely."

"You know, David, I never realized it before, but being a lonely old sot, as you say, is just plain selfish. Like you said, everyone has a story, a longing to connect. If I could show other people, other lonely people like me, what you've shown me, about life and what a joy it can be, just think of how many lives we can save!"


"Yes, David, we! You said it yourself – there's so much to do! And sixty-nine days or sixty-nine years, either way is too short to get it all done. But with you, together we can make an impact. We can bring the word to others in need just like I was."

David was wide awake now. "Oh, Art, that's brilliant," she said. "You can be one of those, oh, what are they called, who tour conference centers and talk about life."

"Motivational speakers?"

"That's it. You can advertise, get on a radio show or news program and get people excited to see you."

"Like make a name for me?"

"We'll make you a celebrity!" she said enthusiastically. "It will be so fun, and you'll be great!"

"Maybe Angie knows someone at the television station."

"And I bet we can get Jodi to put up flyers at her store, and Rip might know someone at the ratio station or pod casters."

Art flipped on the light and they began plotting his new course, new career, new life.


Over the next weeks, Art's dream was becoming reality. David managed Art's wardrobe, and Jodi sent a photographer friend to take professional head shots. Jodi then designed flyers, banners and billboards to promote Art to all ends. She officially changed his moniker to Art Starfire.

Rip was so grateful for the money for his daughter's surgery, and David's calls to get his music heard by the right people, he called all of his radio connections and pod casters and set up several interviews for Art to give over the coming weeks.

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