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Ni-ki: "I think my heart almost stopped."

Jake: "Same."

Me and Ni-ki just sat down, catching our breath. I think I was holding my breath the whole time I was talking. I was not okay after that.


Jay: "What was that...?"

Sunoo: "No idea, honestly."

Heeseung: "So, that's Jake?"

Jay: "Yeah, he's one of my best friends? You know him?"

Heeseung: "No, I just felt like I've seen him before."

Sunoo: "You did, right now."

Heeseung: "I don't mean right now. I meant like another time before.", Heeseung glared a the younger while Sunoo cracked up.

Jay: "You guys are a mess."

Heeseung: "I think he texted me on Instagram the other night."

Jay: "He did?"

Heeseung: "Yeah."

Jay: "I wonder why."

Heeseung: "Same."


Now that I knew Heeseung existed, I knew he was in all my classes with Jay and Sunghoon. Sunoo only had a few classes with us... Me and Ni-ki had most of our classes together. That's why we're so close, we started talking to each other in math class. Now, we're best friends, that argue out of fun. But, I love my best friend though.

We were just sitting in class, waiting for the teacher to come.

Ni-ki: "You good?"

Jake: "Nope."

Ni-ki: "Why?"

Jake: "Now I know Heeseung exists."

Ni-ki: "Bruh."

Jake: "Don't bruh me, I'll scream you like Sunoo right now."

Ni-ki: "Hey, hey, hey. Relax"

Jake: "Okay, that's what I thought"

Ni-ki: "But, just relax. It's not that serious. He knows you exist now too."

Jake: "You're helping so much Ni-ki."

Ni-ki: "Yeah, you're welcome."

I just stared at the young, while he smiled at me. That wasn't funny bro.

Eventually the teacher came in, starting to teach our long boring lesson he always does. Unlike other times, I felt someone staring at me from time to time. I was getting nervous because I knew Heeseung was behind me... Ah, someone help please.


Teacher: "Alright class, I'll see you tomorrow. Remember do that homework I told you to do."

I start packing up my stuff, excited to finally leave that boring class.

Ni-ki: "That was so boring I could die."

Jake: "I'd have to agree with you on that."

Ni-ki: "Why can't school just be over already."

Jake: "Honestly."

Now, me and Ni-ki were on our way to the next class. I think we had english or science next. It'll just be another boring class as always anyway. When, I got to english I sat at my desk. For some reason, we have desk buddies in this class. I had totally forgot who was mines. It wasn't Ni-ki unfortunately... He sat on the other side of the classroom. I was looking at my phone when some people walked in.

Heeseung: "I guess I know he my desk buddy is now."

I look up to see that hot guy again, fuck.

Jake: "Oh, yeah. I totally forgot.", I awkwardly laugh and get my things ready.

Heeseung: "Yeah."


I was patiently waiting for our teacher to come. I was getting nervous again because I was by this Heeseung boy again. I felt some of the girls glaring at me, intensely. Which made me more nervous. I just sat there, tapping my leg, praying that the teacher would hurry up.

Crying internally


Q: Should I write smut for this story or keep it clean?

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