✎ 13.

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Jake: "Heeseung-"

I couldn't even say anything, he pinned me to the wall. I looked at him, nervously smiling.

Right now, I bet you're wondering, right? Yeah, it's been about almost 2 months since I started talking to Heeseung. But now, we're officially dating. Well, we just started recently.

Heeseung: "Why are you so nervous?"

Jake: "Well, when we're behind the school and you're pinning me to a wall why wouldn't I be?"

Heeseung: "You said you wanted to make out?"

Jake: "I was joking! I didn't think you'd real-"

He randomly kisses me, not letting me talk. Everytime I tried to get something out he wouldn't let me.

Jake: "Let me speak!"

(a/n; look it's probably not gonna be smut but it's a SLIGHT, A VERY SLIGHT CHANCE)

I didn't know he had a side like this. He was usually quiet and sweet then goes to hot and dominant. (a/n; am I the only one that thinks that about heeseung or? ) Which is very hot- HOWEVER, I want to talk.

Jake: "Ok, stop teasing me."

Heeseung: "It's cute when you're mad though.", he smiles

As soon as I let my guard down, he kisses me again. At this point, I just don't resist, I let him do what he wants.
(a/n; LIKE, when I watch all the hee ship moments, it's like Heeseung let's them do whatever they want 😭 like with Ni-ki, he kept pulling Heeseung back to play with his hair and HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?? LIKE with Jake also- 🤡 Jake put like a stick or pencil in Heeseung's shoe and literally let him do it. Like bro- I'M SORRY I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT)

His hands start exploring my body but I grab his arms. I whine, starting to get angry and horny.

Jake: "Stop, Hee.", I whine

Heeseung: "Ok, ok. Sorry sorry.", he hugs me


Ni-ki: "Wondering why you have a boner?", he whispered

Jake: "Heeseung!", I shouted whispered back.

Ni-ki: "What does he do?"

Jake: "Uhm, something."

Ni-ki smirks at me.

Jake: "Stop. You've literally fucked Sunoo in the boys bathroom."

Ni-ki: "SHHH."

Jake: "Oooh, Ni-kiiiii"

Ni-ki: "You get horny just by Heeseung kissing you, shut up."

Jake: "I do not!"

Ni-ki: "Yes you do!"

Jake: "I do not."

Ni-ki: "Do too."

Sunoo: "Shut up."

Me and Ni-ki look behind us, seeing Sunoo.

Ni-ki: "Oh my god you scared me."

Sunoo: "Sorry", he smiles then Ni-ki smiles.

Jake: "simp."

Ni-ki punches my arm aggressively.

Jake: "Ouch! Why'd you do that?!"

Ni-ki just sticks his tongue out at me, giggling after he punched me. It was definitely not funny, that actually hurt... I wish Heeseung was here, he'd hit Ni-ki back. Well, at least I think so? I would hope so.


Heeseung: "Let's take a picture together!"

Jake: "Ok!", I smile.


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I'm glad I actually started dating Jake... Maybe I was bisexual is whole time but didn't believe it. Maybe being with the same gender isn't so bad... Well, this is my first boyfriend. I'm glad Jake was the first

END OF 13.

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