✎ 5.

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I was still tapping my leg, nervous as hell. The teacher was running late and I was scared. I didn't want to die at 19, I was too young!

Heeseung: "Are you okay?"

Jake: "H-huh? Oh y-yeah I'm fine, haha."

I wanted to slap myself for stuttering so much.

Heeseung: "Are you sure?"

Jake: "Yeah, Im-"

Byeol: "Heeseung~! Why didn't you text me back yesterday?"

Who the hell is she?

Heeseung: "I was studying."

Byeol: "You can at least answer to your future girlfriend!"

Heeseung just smiled uncomfortably at the girl. I wanted to stay quiet but I spoke to quickly.

Jake: "Dream on, mate."

The older and the girl looks at me. Oh my god, why did I say that? How did I even say that. How come I couldn't stop my body from speaking? What the hell.

Byeol: "Excuse me?"

Jake: "Nothing!", I laugh awkwardly

Randomly I see Ni-ki coming up to my desk.

Ni-ki: "Jake, are you okay?", he says trying to save the situation.

Jake: "Ah! Mate good question. I think he head hurts a little bit."

Heeseung quietly snickers.

Ni-ki: "Then we should get you to the nurse!"

Jake: "You're right! Excuse me!"

Heeseung fake coughs.

Heeseung: "Oh, same. I think I have a bad cough."

Ni-ki: "Well, let's all go!"

The girl watches us walk out the room. Once we close the door, we all speed walk off. Then, Ni-ki starts laughing uncontrollably.

Ni-ki: "Oh my god, you were scared shitless!"

Jake: "Shut up! I didn't know I said that!"

Ni-ki: "How!", he keeps laughing.

Heeseung: "Well, I'll thank you. That girl has been trying to date me since a few weeks ago."

Ni-ki: "Just tell her to fuck off?"

Jake: "Okay, no. Just nicely reject her and if she continues, then you resort to that."

Heeseung smiles at us

Heeseung: "I'll try."

Ni-ki: "Or, I have an idea!"

Me and Heeseung both look at the younger.

Ni-ki: "You can fake like you're dating Jake."

Jake: "Huh?"

Ni-ki: "Then she may back off!"

Heeseung looked at the younger, slightly nodding.

Heeseung: "Maybe... Good idea."

I looked at both of them in confusion. Mostly anger when I looked at Ni-ki. Was he actually agreeing to fake date a literal stranger? Ni-ki and Heeseung was dumb / dumber, literally.

Ni-ki: "Yeah... Let's go with that!"

Heeseung nods, looking at me.

Jake: "Y-yeah, sure!"

What the fuck. Did I just agree to something I literally just said I thought was stupid! Well, I mean, acting like I'm dating one of the most hottest guys in school was definitely going to fun. Or a actual living hell. Most likely both, but we'll see soon.

The three of us went back to class, sitting at our seats. Byeol, that was sitting behind Heeseung tapped him.

Byeol: "Heeddeungie, are you okay?

Heeseung: "I'm fine, haha.", he fake laughs.

I just side eye the girl. I wasn't even really dating Heeseung and I was getting jealous? This is how his fans feel I'm guessing. The girl kept on tapping Heeseung, constantly. Even though it wasn't me, it was getting annoying.

Byeol: "Hee-"

Jake: "Class is about to start, can you please stop?", I said and turned back around.

The older looked at me, relieved again. I bet he was getting annoyed by that too. I just saved him! I'm such a good fake boyfriend.


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