✎ 10.

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Yeah, it was not fun as I expected. I thought he would talk while I was working but it was complete silence. I hated this. Now, I kind of wish that annoying girl was here.


Me and Heeseung look at my phone.

Jake: "Oops, sorry. I didn't turn my phone off."

I grab my phone, checking my notifications. It was Ni-ki texting me as usual. But, I didn't answer because I was doing homework.

Heeseung: "Put it on silent, please.'

Jake: "I was."


It was pretty late once we finished. About 7:30pm. I was hoping Heeseung would let me stay over, since it's "late".

Heeseung: "What time is it?"

Jake: "7:31."

Heeseung: "I didn't realize we did it for that long."

Jake: "Me neither."

Heeseung: "Well, you should call one of your friends to come pick you up or something."

Jake: "Well, I don't know. You live too far from my house. I'd get there in 34 minutes-"

Heeseung: "Well, I guess you could stay overnight... I'll get a futon ready for you.", he said getting up.

YES, it worked. I wasn't lying, I actually lived 34-45 minutes away from his house. It's dangerous out here so just let me stay, and he did. I grabbed my phone and texted Ni-ki

Ri-ki Rat 🤡

So, I'm staying over

Ri-ki Rat 🤡:
Over Heeseung's house?

You're lying


Ri-ki Rat 🤡:
Oh snap, I forgot.

No, I just never told you?


Ri-ki Rat 🤡:

No u

Heeseung: "Ok, so. Here you go, the bathroom is that way and yeah. Get comfy."

Jake: "Thank you."

Since I didn't have any clothes to wear, I just took off my hoodie and jacket. Then, laid down. It was pretty relaxing and quiet. I mean, my house is pretty quiet too but, it was quieter. Since I wasn't tired, I got my laptop out my backpack, getting on my social media. I might as well post a picture of me.


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I was bored and decided to post a picture of me 😋



I laid down in my bed, sore and tired from today. I couldn't wait to go to sleep until I got a notification from my phone. It was Byeol texting me, I decided to not answer. But, when I got to the home of my Instagram, I saw Jake posted something. I never noticed his username... Uhm, ok. (a/n: LMAO I WAS GONNA PUT SOMETHING LIKE BALLS IN YO JAW OR MOMMMY MILKERS 🤡)

I like his post, then put my phone up. Why do I feel this way around Jake? Like I get nervous or I get butterflies in my stomach when he smiles or talks. I really like his accent, sorta... I just sit, thinking about Jake. I have no idea why but I was. I was thinking till about 8:30, an hour.


I was so bored, I had nothing to do. So, I went upstairs, heading to Heeseung's room. I knocked on his door, instantly regretting it.

Heeseung: "Come in."

I open his door to see him laying down on his phone.

Jake: "Hey, sorry. I was really bored."

Heeseung: "Same. Want to talk?"

Jake: "Mm."

I came in his room, closing the door behind me. Then, sat on the edge of his bed. He was the one to start talking first this time, telling me some things about him. I also did the same. We talked almost all night honestly.

It was fun in the end

END OF 10.

Q: you guys like my new theme?

Q: you guys like my new theme?

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(Upcoming book cover)

note; wow, half way to 1k?(once I make it to 500) I'll probably have 1k before I even finish the book 🤡

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