✎ 8.

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Jake: "So, when are we going to start on the project...?"

Byeol: "Yeah, Heeseunggie! When?", she says jumping in the conversation.

Heeseung: "Uhm, we could start today, just to start off."

Jake: "Cool."

Byeol: "Great idea, Heeseung! I'll see you later!!!", she says skipping away.

Jake: "Let's exchange numbers?"

Heeseung: "Yeah."

I was kind of nervous, putting my number in his phone. It's only been a day and we're already faking dating, exchanging numbers, etc etc. Like, this is the most bizarre experience I've ever had in a span of 24 hours, barely.

Jake: "Thanks, what's your next class?"

Heeseung: "Science, you?"

Jake: "Same-? No, because I actually hate science. I hate everything in this class expect lunch."

The older laughs at me.

We walked out of the class together, just talking. Well, I was mostly talking. He was just listening, smiling, and laughing. I'd have to admit, he's cuter when he smiles. I felt like I was his real boyfriend. Ni-ki came behind us, saying have a nice class, winking at me. Then, walking off with Sunghoon. I just groaned and rolled my eyes.

Heeseung: "You're friends are interesting."

Jake: "I know, very. They're also weird too. I'm regretting choosing them for friends-"

The older laughs again.

Before I could say more, we were already at the class. We decided to sit by each other. Jay and Jungwon was also in this class, being lovey dovey and stuff. Which was disgusting. Heeseung just scoffed and looked away.

Jake: "Ew, their all lovey dovey."

Heeseung: "I know right."

Jay heard us and glared at us. I started laughing super hard. Then, Heeseung joined me eventually.


Ok, so the teacher came in and gave us instructions. Telling us dissect a nasty frog. I was kind of creeped out, but Heeseung calmed me down.

Now, I was trying to cut it but I was struggling.

Heeseung: "Just relax."

The older grabs the top of my hand, while I was holding the knife. It was perfect because of our height difference. He instructions me how to cut it, still holding my hand. I felt my cheeks getting warm.

Jake: "T-thanks."

The older hummed in response, using my hand to cut it. (a/n; PLS I HOPE I EXPLAINED THIS WELL? YK WHAT I MEAN, RIGHT?) My face was fully red. I was so glad Ni-ki doesn't take this class because he'd be making fun of me. I looked over to Jay and Jungwon, they were moving their eyebrows up and down. Frick, they saw! Oh my god, Jay is going to tell Ni-ki.

Heeseung talked to me, telling me what to do again. I looked him in the eye, seeing him do the same. We sat there looking at each other for a second. (a/n; HEHEHE THE TENSION)
Until Jay tapped Heeseung's shoulder.

Jay: "You guys almost done with this?"

Heeseung: "Yeah, we just had to-"

All the talking I heard, muffled. I felt like I was going to pass out at the moment. We held eye contact for too long... It was more like him looking at me in confusion- But, you never know. What if he was looking at me because he's starting to like me. Or I'm just being very unrealistic, we just met? But, that was pretty hot.

note; I was listening to SEVENTEN'S 'Hit' and got hyped LMAO.

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