✎ 11.

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I woke up, slowly opening my eyes. I felt something heavy on my arm... I look to my side to see Jake asleep, laying on my arm. I remember talking to him till 12. I guess he fell asleep while we were talking? What was the point of putting the futon down if we ended up sleeping together? Whatever, it's okay. I couldn't move my arm, since the younger was on it. I didn't want to but, I had to wake him up. I usually get up at this time anyway. I slightly shake Jake, trying to wake him up. He rolls off my arm, turning the other way. Well, at least he got off my arm. Ouch, I could not feel my arm for a few minutes. 


I felt Heeseung getting up, trying not to make any noise. I open my eyes, getting up.

Heeseung: "Good morning."

Jake: "Mm..."

Heeseung: "Sleep well?"

Jake: "Sorta. I'm still tired..."

Heeseung: "Same... Well, are you going to go home to get dressed or?"

Jake: "I think I have an idea."

Technically, my idea was to wash my clothes, but I wouldn't have anything to wear unless... Heeseung let me borrow some of his clothes. See, I'm trying to slowly make him fall for me. (a/n; PLS, I put something else but I'm on my school computer so- ACK-) I have to act cute and clueless. Never mind, that sounds really cringe. However, I'm just being myself around him, hoping he'd like me too. Yes, It's been one day since I officially met him. Yes, I like him already and want to actually date him, don't come for me. You're probably the same, am I right? Yeah, I'm most likely right. 

So, we went that idea I had worked. Everything I wanted, happened. I got to wear Heeseung's clothes, that was slightly too big for me.

Heeseung: "Cute."

Jake: "T-thank you"

The older smiles at me and continues to get ready. Did he just call me cute? My heart could actually explode right now, at this moment. He was so cute, hot, tall, handsome, etc. Just a lot of good words I could describe him with. 


Jake: "Hey... I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay over."

Heeseung: "I was kind of shy at first but, it's no problem. It's nice having the company"

Heeseung said, putting on his shoes. I smiled at him, looking at him. Heeseung looked up at me, keeping eye contact with me. (a/n: THE TENSION)

Jake: "Uh, you should smile more often. It looks nice when you do."

The older blushes slightly, smiling a bit.

Heeseung: "Thanks. I try to but, It is kind of embarrassing for me."

Jake: "Dont be, you look cute."

Heeseung actually smiles at me this time. 

Heeseung: "Let's go?"

Jake: "Yeah."

After that, we started to walk to school together. We continued our conversation from last night, learning more about each other. It felt nice to look up to someone older than you, or something like that, you know what I mean. Actually, Ni-ki is a genius. If I hadn't agreed to fake date Heeseung, we wouldn't be talking right now honestly... So, I guess Ni-ki knew what he was doing. (a/n; tryna listen to zoo by Taeyong, Yangyang, Hendery, Jeno, and Giselle- SO THIS SENTENCE IS PROBABLY RIGHT BUT SOUNDS STUPID) 

Me and Heeseung made it to school, getting looks by our friends and some students

Ni-ki: "Jake what's going on here?"

Jay: "Yeah. I really wonder why you smell like Heeseung."

Jake: "I swear it's not what you think!", I said turning red

Heeseung: "What are you guys thinking?", he said, blushing slightly

Byeol: "Heeseung are you gay?"

Heeseung: "Uh, yes! Jake is my boyfriend.", he said putting his arm around my waist.

Jay: "Wait what?

Byeol: "Ew!? I can't believe I liked you"

Everyone stopped and looked at the girl...

END OF 10.



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