✎ 7.

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The younger boy sat next to me, also getting his supplies out. The history teacher came in, setting up their chalk and all that. I continued to look around the class, watching most of the students just prepare for class. For a few seconds, I looked at Sunghoon and Jake again. But, Sunghoon caught me, also staring at me for a few seconds, turning back around to Jake.


I only got a few papers out, I wouldn't be writing a lot of notes because I would probably fall asleep. I was looking at the board, waiting for the teacher to start today's lesson. A few seconds later, Sunghoon said something.

Sunghoon: "I think Heeseung is staring at you or us."

Jake: "What makes you say that?"

Sunghoon: "Do you not feel anyone staring at you?"

I shook my head, looking at him confused. No, I didn't feel anyone staring at me, at the moment. Plus, I don't believe Sunghoon. Why would Heeseung automatically be interested in me? If you believe he is, I don't know what to say. I'm just a stranger he met off the internet, that technically goes to his school. He didn't even realize I existed till now. So what makes you think he'd have ANY interest in me, hm? (a/n: um bc he's secretly gay? the hell-)

Finally, the teacher started his lesson. I wasn't excited about it though... The faster he started, the quicker the lesson and class will go.

Teacher: "Alright class. You know we took a-"

Byeol: "I'm sorry I'm late!"

The girl bowed, trying to find a seat to sit at. Just my luck, she was behind me once again. Life keeps punching me in the guts. Then, stomping on me until I pass out. I know, very descriptive, but true.

Teacher: "As I was saying. We took a quiz a few weeks ago on what we learned in class. Today, we will be starting a project, with partners."

The class almost went wild from excitement

Teacher: "I'm choosing partners though."

I am crying inside. Praying that I get with Heeseung- If I do, I know we are just meant to be together. I'm getting a little ahead of myself, haha. No, but for real, it's fate. 

The teacher grabbed his paper, starting to choose partners for people. If Sunoo was in the class, I know Ni-ki would be praying to be with him. But, just his luck, Sunoo has science at this period. I continued to listen to the teacher choose partners. I was getting slightly nervous. They hadn't said Heeseung's name yet. Thank lord! Ni-ki end up being partners with Sunghoon, which he didn't mind.

Teacher: "Lastly, Jake, Byeol, and Heeseung" (a/n; AH U THOUGHT. IT WASNT THAT EASY GIRLY)

I felt my heart explode. I was just celebrating, now I'm ready to end it all. Commit a war crime at this point. Why did that girl have to be a part of this? What if Heeseung secretly likes her? But just acts annoyed to not be obvious. Then, I started overthinking. Sunghoon noticed, putting his hand on my shoulder

Sunghoon: "It'll be okay, Jakey." (a/n: when u and ur bestie have cute nicknames for each other)

Jake: "I don't think it will, Sunghoon. I think I'm going to die."

I banged my head on the desk, upset, sad, annoyed, and many more. Why did the teacher have to include her? It could have just been me and Heeseung alone... I could of actually got to know him but this girl will be the death of me

I hate history, with a passion



note; LOL, I wrote this chapter in school. If its any typos, I'm really sorry. My computer be acting dumb- thank you for 100+ views :)

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