Chapter V

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Rimuru pov

My match was one of the last ones to be held. Students were heavily invested in these final rounds. The reason for that was simple: The last two contestants had the highest two grades on the exam thus far. This final battle would determine who the head of the class was.

Dia did great on the magic test, but her standing had dropped after the
physical examination. Tarte was the opposite.ciel's rank is still the same,Epona’s rank was bogged
down by his poor performance on the written portion. As a result, Naoise, Lugh and I were the clear forerunners.Naoise , Lugh and I lined up next to each other and then turned toward our respective rings.

“Lugh and rimuru  I said this earlier, but don’t even think about giving me the topspot… I want to win fair and square, with my strength alone.”

Me and lugh said in unison we swear to give it our all.

We went to our rings without saying another word. My opponent was
already waiting for me.

I would never have thought that we Three would be facing vice-commanders of the Royal Order. This wasn’t going to be an easy fight. It looked like the academy wanted to give its three best applicants a special sort of challenge, but no matter ill just defeat him with out even touching him. (Grinning)

“Lugh, Rimuru-san, you can do it!” tarte and dia cheered for us

Ciel's just eating and giving me a thumbs up. I just smiled awkwardly

“Well, aren’t you popular? You’re making me jealous,” needled my

Yeah they can get a little overenthusiastic…,” I responded.

“Don’t worry about it. That’s just extra motivation for me. I can’t just let you use me to show off to those cute girls, little Mr. Popular.”

Hehe plss go easy on me i said with a awkwardly smile.

~meen while on the neighboring side of the ring~

Lugh pov

“Well, aren’t you popular? You’re making me jealous,” needled my

“My family can get a little overenthusiastic…,” I responded.

“Don’t worry about it. That’s just extra motivation for me. I can’t just let
you use me to show off to those cute girls, little Mr. Popular.”

He’s projecting unbelievable malice.
The vice-commander had seemingly forgotten he was sparring with a
student as part of an exam.

“That’s rather childish of you,” I observed.“Ha-ha-ha. You’re probably right. But I won’t have to hold back against you.”

It wasn’t a surprise that the vice-commander recognized my ability. Once a person reached a certain level of mastery, they could gauge their opponent’s skill from their breathing and the way they walked.
We both tightened our grip on our respective weapons.

I’d decided to go with a sword for this fight. In truth, I was better with
knives, martial arts, and guns, but I wasn’t all that bad with a sword. Long-bladed weapons were too clumsy for assassination. I hoped that would allow me to conceal my usual fighting style and avoid giving away any Tuatha Dé secrets.…Also, if I fight with a knife, I may end up killing him on reflex.

<A/N in witch of you didn't know lugh came from the house hold of assassins>

The proctor asked if my opponent and I were ready, and I nodded.

“Begin!” came the announcement.
The vice-commander and I both immediately seized up, however. The
reason we stopped was that we felt a tremendous amount of mana coming
from the neighboring ring.