Chapter VIII

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Rimuru pov

A party was being held in the dorm’s dining hall to celebrate the new
students’ arrival. It was a magnificent feast, complete with alcohol.

“Hey, this food isn’t bad,” said Dia.

This really do taste good.I said while stuffing food inside my mouth.

“Naoise probably eats this kind of food every day,” Lugh remarked.

Given the liveliness, the banquet had clearly started before our arrival.

A large crowd of students encircled Epona.

Lugh went to introduce himself to Epona, mybe he wants to start it slow.
I thought.

I was thinking of talking to Epona but this food just taste so good so i just eat everything i see in the table.

A minute has gone by  and just finished eating Just then, a professor approached me.It was time for me to deliver my address as a representative of the new students.


Lugh pov

Naoise, Rimuru and I moved to a location in the dining hall where we would stand outthe most and gathered all the new students’ attention.

Naoise spoke first.
“I don’t feel like dragging this out, so I’m just going to say what is
foremost on my mind. I want to compete with every one of you. The growth I will gain contending with you all is the main reason I came to this academy. Force me to improve by threatening my spot as head of the class! Let’s all strive to get stronger together. That is all I have to say.”

After his extremely manly speech ended, the students erupted in applause.
Well, isn’t he cool? That’s not going to be easy to follow up.

Naoise gave me a mischievous look. Clearly, he’d given me a tough act to
follow on purpose.

His words hadn’t been a lie, though, so I couldn’t be mad at him for it.
Nothing he’d said had been merely to rile everyone up.

All right, I need to focus on my speech. I’m up next.

“Every one of us left our homes behind to come here. Honestly, two years is a long time, and I’m sure there are plenty of us who would rather have devoted this time to developing our own domains,” I began.

A good number of people laughed.
“Even still, we were summoned here to pledge our allegiance to the
Alvanian Kingdom. I swear to you that your time here will not be a waste and that you will gain a lot during your tenure at this school. I want everyone to think of it that way, because this country’s prosperity depends on our growth. Let’s all do our best so that two years from now, we’ll look back and be glad we came here.”

Dia, Tarte and Ciel clapped loudly, and then applause spread through the rest ofthe crowd like a chain reaction. My speech was pretty corny, but it was
perfect for the sort of situation I was in.

And last its Rimuru's turn

“hello everyone Im glad to be here That is all”and bow

The crowd went to silent and naoise started laughing and soon after the crowd was laughing with his speech

After Rimuru arrived,he was beat red of embarrassment. And Naoise keep laughing. Soon after the professor gave some closing words, and Naoise, Rimuru and I returned to the party. Dia, Tarte and Ciel wasted no time in approaching.

“Lugh, that was so cool,” praised Dia.
“Yes, your speech was so grand.

You really felt like the head of the class!It’s a shame there isn’t a spell that can preserve sound,” Tarte said.